Get close-ups of Dawn while a strange light spot mission approaches the end of Ceres


  Bright Spot, Ceres

NASA's Dawn Spacecraft saw its best performance on the strange bright spots tilting the dwarf planet Ceres.
At the beginning of last month, Dawn went around a new orbit around Ceres, an oval path that only checks the dwarf planet just 34 kilometers from the planet. That's 10 times more than what Don had received during his three years and over in the first Ceres.

The idea of ​​this low altitude is astonishing because 92 miles (92 miles) show some of the new Occator Crater exit images

The Occator soil makes the strange shiny deposits, that Dawn had sought during the approach of Ceres in early 2015. Subsequent observations of the investigation showed that bright things, which occur even at many other places around Ceres, contains carbonate of sodium.

The researchers consider that this substance remained when salt water was boiled in space. But it is blurry with precision from where the water comes from. Was it concentrated in the tanks near the surface? Or did it snake to the surface through subterranean cracks?
Members of the mission team said that the photo of the new Occator photo, taken on June 14 and June 22, could illuminate this mystery by painting another

Dawn engineer Chief and Project Manager of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, Marc Rayman, said in a statement " Get these fabulous images were the only one". one of the biggest challenges of the extraordinary dawn space campaign, and the result is better than ever expected.Don is like a master artist, who adds rich details to the beauty of the other worlds in his image Intimate of Ceres . "

$ 467 million mission at dawn was launched in September 2007 with an ambitious goal. two major issues in the chief asteroid belt in the middle of Mars and Jupiter to study the clbad and the study of Vesta and Ceres. Vesta and Ceres, which are respectively 330 miles (530 km) and 590 miles (950 km), are forming remaining blocks of the Solar System planetary period, which indicate the name of the mission.

Dawn entered Vesta's orbit from July 2011 to September 2012, when he ran to Ceres. The investigation arrived on the dwarf planet in March 2015, becoming the first spacecraft to orbit two objects beyond the Earth-Moon system.

Dawn's level is near the end of the mission; Last week, the spacecraft had potentially lit up its ion engine acquired last time. The dawn is poor in hydrazine, the fuel that gives strength to the small direction around the probe. When hydrazine will come out in September or after, it will be done; He will not be able to point to his scientific instruments in the presence or his antenna towards Earth for communication.

" The first thoughts of Ceres received by Dawn considered us with a single dark and glowing place," Carol Raymond "In solving the nature and history of this charming dwarf planet, he has been exciting to extend Dawn to Ceres, and it is particularly fitting that Don's final work will provide rich new data. to test these principles . "

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