Gold Medalist of the Asian Games Fights Affections in the Middle of Government Apathy


Sangrur (Punjab) [India] July 30 (ANI): Hakam Bhattal, gold medalist at the Asian Games and recipient of the prestigious Dhyan Chand Award, is currently fighting kidney and liver disease and is Received no attention from

Admitted to a private Sangrur hospital in Punjab, and with a minimal pension of seven thousand dollars a month, Bhattal needs some support from the from the government for better health care

. ANI, his wife said that the government does not care much about athletes, only taking care of them for as long as they win medals

"How will people be Encouraged to play sports if no one comes to see an athlete who has won two gold medals for the country, we are not rich and we have no land, it is difficult to see. get good medical care, "said Bhattal's wife

. and the 1979 Asian Athletics Champio Bhattal also received the Dhyan Chand Award for all of his achievements in sports and games, awarded by President Pratibha Patil in August 2008. (ANI) [19659006] This story has not been edited. It was published as provided by ANI

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