Gold: This is how Akshay Kumar turned into Tapan Das


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |

Posted: July 23, 2018 8:27:27 pm

  Akshay Kumar gold This is how Akshay Kumar came into the skin of his character for the movie Gold

Akshay Kumar starrer Gold was creating all the buzz before it was released. The film will see Khiladi Kumar in the role of Tapan Das, an badistant director of a pre-independence hockey team, whose goal is to obtain a gold medal for the country.

Recently, a behind-the-scenes video was revealed by the manufacturers that shows the fun and offbeat side of the highly disciplined and hard-working actor. The video begins with Akshay shedding light on his character Tapan Das while trying to get a shot on the right. We then have a glimpse of how the physical appearance of the character of Akshay was created. We also see the star trading light jokes with the film's director, Reema Kagti.

"I play Tapan Das, a Bengali, who is the manager of the Indian hockey team in the pre-independence era.We added a mustache, a dhoti, with a jacket and a different style hair for the character, "says Akshay, while talking about his role in the film.

Later, filmmaker Reema Kagti reveals some nuggets about Tapan Das. She says, "The person who inspired his character is very controversial." The intrigues, unpopular, argumentative, but at the same time, know the game very well. "

Akshay's co-star, Kunal Kapoor, who plays an important role in Gold, says: "Akshay is a very physical actor.He can slip, and fall, and you know, it will not happen anything.It can make a car wheel, so it does a lot of physical things After the taking is over, and Reema was happy with the hold that she had, he would say, "Let's make one to have fun."

Looks like the whole team had a good ride during the making of the movie. Gold stars Akshay Kumar, Kunal Kapoor, Mouni Roy, Amit Sadh and Vineet Kumar Singh in key roles. The film was produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar.

Gold will be released August 15, 2018.

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