Greenhouse gases responsible for long-term climate change


It turns out that greenhouse gases were the main drivers of climate change 66 million years ago, giving insights into the causes of climate change in the long run.

Purdue University researchers said that cooling temperatures near the end of the "greenhouse" Eocene period, but some blamed the decreasing levels of carbon dioxide.

The Eocene Era is a major division of the geological time scale and the second paleogenic period of the Cenozoic Era.

Climate change often has more intense effects near poles than anywhere else on the planet,

The synchronized evolution of reconstructed tropical and polar temperatures can only be explained by forcing greenhouse gases.

"Our results are only consistent with the hypothesis that long-term cooling of the Eocene would be due to greenhouse gases. This greatly enhances our understanding of the drivers of long-term climate change, which is important for predicting the development of future climate change, "said Margot Cramwinckel, author of the paper.

The researchers also found was more dramatic near the poles than in the tropics during the Eocene. Even though most of the period was extremely hot, leaving little or no ice near the poles

The results are published in the Journal of Nature

(This story was not edited by staff Business Standard and is self-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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