Gujarat confirms a case of zika in Ahmedabad | Ahmedabad News


AHMEDABAD: The Ministry of Health confirmed Friday that a woman from the Amraiwadi area of ​​the city had been tested positive for Zika virus by the National Institute of Virology (NIV) of Pune.

Health Commissioner Jayanti Ravi said that a report confirming that Zika had been received at 2 pm Friday. "The woman, who went to a village in Bhavnagar and got a positive result on her return to Ahmedabad, was on treatment since October 22 and was released," Ravi said.

On ground zero at Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad city commissioner, Vijay Nehra, claimed that a population of about 7.33 lakh had been examined within a radius of 3 km around the city. first case suspected by more than 390 surveillance teams. Since October 9, 5,183 pregnant women have been surveyed, 257 of whom had fever. Reports out of 135 gave negative results for Zika and the remaining results are expected.

"Mortality due to infection with Zika virus has not been observed in our country and morbidity has not been widely observed. But yes, if the virus infects pregnant women during the first trimester, it is possible that the fetus is suffering from a neurological disorder called microcephaly, where the baby's head is significantly smaller than expected, often due to Abnormal brain development, "said Ravi.

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