Harbhajan Singh, the Hindu-Muslim conflict is not the reason why India does not go to the World Cup


While the Indians were swept up by FIFA fever Sunday with fans across the country for Croatia or France, Indian spinner Harbhajan Singh criticized the Indians on Twitter for never being able to qualify for FIFA . About 50 lakh, Croatia will play the final of the World Cup football. However, we Indians, with a force of 135 million people, can not even dream of such things as we are busy bickering about Hindu-Mulsim issues, "tweeted Bhajji Sunday afternoon.

1965 50 लाख की दीादी वाला देश वर्ल्ड कप फा फाइनल खेलेगा
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– Harbhajan Turbanator (@harbhajan_singh) July 15, 2018

Although it seems that the tweet of Bhajji had to be in the right mind, unfortunately, he failed to grasp the condition of Indian athletics or the problem of religious polarization. In fact, the tweet, if it is, was insensitive.

Following an episode of outrage over his tweet, Singh told reporters that there was no need for "overreaction". "It's obvious that it hurts to see that despite being such a great nation, and having such a great sporting culture, we are still far from the finals of the football world cup" he told reporters.

Well, the damage was already done

And just to clarify the record, we compiled a list of reasons why India could not qualify for the World Cup.


The small size of Croatia is precisely one of the reasons why the country, in the 27 years of its independence, was able to reach the final of the world. With premium resources, India is still struggling to feed, clothe and shelter its mbadive population, which is expected to surpbad that of China by 2022. Note that the World Cup semi-finalists this year had a lower population than that of Uttar Pradesh, which is 20 crores.

This is the culture of cricket

Club football is the most popular sport in Croatia. Of the tiny Croatian population, 118,000 are registered under the Croatian Football Federation, making it the largest sports badociation in the country. The Prva JNL football league, Croatia's most popular football league competition, attracted 458,746 spectators in the 2010-11 season. In India, the most crow shooting football games are derbies between rivals Mohun Bagan and East Bengal, but even they average attract a crown of 80,000 to 100,000. Football is alive as a sport in some states while In most cases, Indian footballers like Captain Sunil Chhettri still have to ask supporters to come to watch matches and support Indian football. For the most part, cricket dominates the Indian sports scene and it dominates the international leaderboards.

The Olympic Hangover

The All India Football Federation which deals with sport in the country has often been accused of promoting the Olympic Games on football. In the 1950s, when India had the opportunity to go to Brazil for the World Cup, AIFF refused to spend resources to send the team to a "small" business like the football World Cup. Sports Illustrated had quoted the football captain in 1950 saying that they had no idea of ​​the World Cup because at the time, only the Olympics were all the rage for Indian sportsmen. Even today, India is 97 th in the FIFA rankings and is also one of the least performing at the Olympics despite its size.

Croatia, on the other hand, has qualified and participated in three consecutive World Cup tournaments between 1998 and 2006.

India has slowly started to explore and invest in other sports than cricket. But reject a systemic neglect of football as people quarrel over 'Hindu-Muslim'. It's not just weird but insensitive in a country that prides itself on its democratic expression of multiculturality.

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