Sushmita Sen, very active on social networks, recently attended a wedding with her boyfriend, Rohman Shawl. She shared many pictures of the pre-wedding ceremonies on her Instagram profile. In this photo, the former Miss Universe shares the setting with her handsome Rohman Shawl and her daughters Renee and Alisah. She subtitled the photo, "Yeh saare ke ke keish, insaniyat ke muskurate farishtay '#backhome I love you guys !!!!"
In the photos, we see Alisah make horns on the head of his mother. Rohman was standing behind his back, taking his lifeline in his arms. Renee adorably smiles at the camera. The photo is worthy of the name and has recorded more than 160,000 "I like" on the photo sharing site.
On this adorable picture, none other than the former Miss World Priyanka Chopra dropped a comment who is now in the headlines. She wrote: "Beautiful family" followed by a heart in emoji eyes. Sushmita Sen replied, "Hain na! It takes one to know one !! I love you, my dear!
Later, Rohman Shawl also dropped a comment and wrote: "Lifebuoys in the same setting as me. Blessed.
Priyanka Chopra and Sushmita Sen, although they are not often seen together, share an excellent relationship. Their camaraderie made the headlines when the duo spent time together with PeeCee's mother, Madhu Chopra.
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