Hawking auction raises astronomical amount


A copy of Stephen Hawking's doctoral dissertation, signed with a trembling hand, was the highlight of the British physicist's auction of personal effects in London, which had raised nearly £ 1.4 million.

The copy, one of the five originals of the book This thesis titled "Properties of Expanding Universes" surpbaded pre-sale expectations four times to sell for £ 5,844,750 at Christie's sale & S, which ended Thursday.

A red leather wheelchair used by Hawking from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, driving himself to the aid of a throttle, sold for £ 2.96,750 , while a first edition of his bestseller A brief history of the time marked with an inch imprint was worth £ 68,750.

Hawking published his thesis in 1965, two years after the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a form of motor neuropathy that would ultimately leave him paralyzed.

His first wife, Jane, typed 117 pages, but he added two more. s written signature and the words "This thesis is my original work" at first, as well as several mathematical equations inside.

When the document was put online last year by the University of Cambridge, where Hawking spent his career, he was so popular. that he crashed on the website.

A collection of his medals and awards, including honors from the Royal Astronomical Society, sold for £ 296,750, with the entire collection reaching £ 1,384,625.

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