Helsinki 2018 Summit Disaster or not, most Republicans do not dare trash Donald Trump


Some Republicans Speak Out Strongly against the Management of the Hesinki Summit by President Donald Trump


Some Republicans Forcefully Spoke Against President Donald Trump at this Week's Summit with His Counterpart Russian Vladimir Putin. But most lawmakers of the GOP have held their language because of one person: Trump himself.

In private, Republican lawmakers tend to agree with widely held opinion that the American leader blew it up in Helsinki. and a docile attitude in front of the Russian KGB agent become president

But many of these same Republicans, especially those facing reelection struggles in the mid-term, fear to express forcefully against Trump would be tantamount to According to the strategists and experts who engage with them, even though the bipartisan reaction forced Trump and the White House to a series of embarrbading reversals and clarifications, the majority of the party that control Congress does not seem to want to publicly dismiss their leader.

Such is Trump's hold on the Republican Party, and his loyal grbadroots base, that many members find themselves in a political straightjacke t-bound by support for a populist president regardless of his appearances of weakness or naivety foreign policy.

"They simply do not want to be in his sights and at the end of his anger," Rick Tyler, a Republican strategist firmly in the "Never Trump" camp, told AFP

" They all understand who Trump is and they do not like it, they want it to be different, but they are winning over some policy issues like tax cuts, "he said.

Trump's propensity to tweet anger against lawmakers who challenge him can quickly end political careers, including Republican ones, as he did last month. Critic Trump Mark Sanford

Staying in the good graces of the President can ensure the flow of money the campaign continues to circulate. Trump Trump would drag Republican lawmakers across the board.

In the meantime, no antidote to Trump's insult policy.

"Nobody knows how to counteract this act of reality," continued Tyler, Trump "is dragging you into the mud, and this is not a place where a lot of politicians are used to going."

Outrage Over Trump? [19659004] Republicans not seeking re-election – including Senators John McCain, Bob Corker and Jeff Flake, and Congressmen Ryan Costello – felt liberated enough to offer harsh criticism to Trump this week.

"I think the president has clarified his statement and confirmed" that Russia has mingled with the US elections, Republican Senate number two, John Cornyn, asked if the Republicans were talking enough about the performance of Trump. to challenge Trump because they feared losing seats in November? "No, we are not," insisted Cornyn.

Mike Allen, co-founder of Axios, offered a clear rationale for Republicans eagerly embracing Trump's multiple setbacks in the wake of Helsinki

. Allen writes.

Indeed, recent polls show that Trump's disastrous week has not changed anything about his popularity among Republicans.

While only one-third of Americans – and eight percent of Democrats – approve of Trump's handling of Putin's summit, 68 percent of Republicans approve, according to a CBS News poll released Thursday.

Republican support – 79% – for the way Trump handled his joint press conference with Putin.

"I've never seen this before," admitted Robert Shapiro, professor of political science at Columbia University.

Shapiro, who has long studied in American politics and public opinion, it is interesting to note that it is not only the Republicans who face tough re-election fights this year who remain with Trump [19659004] "Those who are not in place for reelection do not want to."

Non-presidential elections often have a low voter turnout, and what matters is whether Trump can get his popular base committed to urns significantly.

(This story was not edited by NDTV staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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