Here is the letter that Sunil Dutt sent to the actor Sanju Paresh Rawal


Written by Mimansa Shekhar
| New Delhi |

Posted: July 10, 2018 11:38:20

  Sanju sunil dutt letter Paresh Rawal plays father on the screen of Ranbir Kapoor in Sanju.

Ranbir Kapoor starrer Sanju has turned out to be one of the biggest hits this year. And while Sanjay Dutt's moving story and struggles get a lot of public love at the box office, it will not be wrong to say that the film had "divine" blessings from the late actor Sunil Dutt, even before he leaves.

Speaking to recently, Paresh Rawal had talked about coming aboard Sanju, and continued to share exclusively how a letter from Sunil Dutt was like a divine intervention that ensured the film came to him even after years of the disappearance of the legendary actor. Rawal revealed another aspect of the story by explaining what was happening in this letter when he was offered the much awaited role of Sanjay Dutt's father-politician in Sanju.

See also | How a letter from Sunil Dutt was like a "divine intervention" for Paresh Rawal to sign Sanju

And while we were already stunned by the aftermath of events, the same letter has now been published by Sanju's makers , further proving the claim. Sunil Dutt wrote in the typewritten letter, "Dear Paresh Ji! As your birthday falls on May 30, let me wish you all happiness, prosperity and good luck in life." God bless his best blessings on you and your family. "

Letter from Sunil Dutt to Sanju Paresh Rawal

This is the letter that Sunil Dutt sent to Paresh Rawal, years before Sanju came on the scene

  Sunil dutt sanju letter "data-lazy-src =" sanju-759.jpeg Letter from Sunil Dutt to Paresh Rawal that he wrote to him in 2005.

Rawal Paresh on Sunil Dutt's Letter

In the exclusive chat with indianexpres .com, Rawal had revealed all the history behind this letter. In his own words:

"On May 25, 2005, I was shooting for a movie and called home to say that I will be late today and during filming we learned that Dutt Sahab (Sunil Dutt) died, so I called my wife and said I would come a little late because Dutt Sahab died and I go to his house. then said that there was a letter for you from him (Sunil Dutt) .I asked him what the letter was and she told me that it was to wish you a happy birthday. told him my birthday is May 30, which is in five days but she said the letter is for you and she even read me .. I was so surprised why Dutt Sahab m & # Did he send a birthday letter five days before my birthday? And we've never traded holiday greetings in the past – be it Diwali or Christmas – so why do not you? ; écrir Did he? On January 3, 2017, I asked my wife to take out two of my documents while I was going to meet Rajkumar Hirani. I told him I will get those documents back when I come back. When I was sitting with Rajkumar Hirani, my wife called me and said that with the documents, this letter from Sunil Dutt Sahab was also there. She asked me what I wanted to do about it? And I was stunned as I told the part of Sunil Dutt for the movie. You see, usually you do not keep birthday cards for 12 years, you throw them away. You forget them, but this letter was there with all my important documents and it was found the same day that Rajkumar Hirani told me about Sanju's role. It's like a divine intervention. I showed this letter to Rajkumar Hirani later. "

Related reading | Paresh Rawal on Ranbir Kapoor: His work in Sanju should be taught in theater schools

Sanju is also the star of Manisha Koirala, Vicky Kaushal, Dia Mirza, by Anushka Sharma and Sonam Kapoor The biopic has been breaking records since its release on June 29 and is growing rapidly to Rs 300 crore mark.

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