Here's what the Marvel stars have won for Avengers: Endgame


With Avengers: Endgame smashing many box office records to become the second most profitable movie of all time, you will probably not be surprised to learn that the actors themselves

From Forbes 's list of the most profitable artists of the year, six Endgame are among the 100 best artists of the year. Chris Hemsworth, Thor's star, is ranked 24th with $ 76.4 million – although his overall count is not based solely on Avengers .

  Avengers: Endgame - Thor

Marvel Studios

Behind him is Iron Man, aka Tony Stark, actor Robert Downey Jr with 66 million, followed by Bradley Cooper (Rocket Racoon) with $ 57 million and Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow) who won $ 56 million.

Chris Evans, the star of Captain America reported $ 43.5 million, while Paul Rudd (Ant-Man) earned $ 41 million.

These stars are so valuable to Marvel that they've been able to claim some of the profits from the film – which is known as eventual compensation – that's really where they've got it earned their money.

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Entertainment Lawyer David Chidekel told Forbes ]: "Celebrities such as Downey and Johansson currently have extreme means to demand huge compensation from studios that invest hundreds of millions of dollars in making films under pole, such as The Avengers .

"Various actors, writers, directors and other key people is simple. Movie studios rely on films in the tent to support their financial performance. "

And if you wonder why Brie Larson (Captain Marvel) and Tom Holland (Spider-Man) are not in the top 100 list, it's because Marvel offers its players multi-packs films that usually start with seven digits, that is, they have not been known for long enough.

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