Hollywood marks Bollywood again, Aladdin opens stronger than Modi biopic


Call it nostalgia or a family artist, Aladdin deploys all his magic at the Indian box office despite the competition of new releases and Bollywood success. Among the films as most wanted Indians, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Ajay Devgn De Pyaar De the Hollywood project became the first choice of viewers.

why the film managed to do twice as much business as new local offers. While Aladdin struck a crore of 4.25 rupees on the day of its opening, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and most sought after in India respectively collected 2 crore and 2 crore of Rs 2.

It is known that India is an important market for Disney, and Aladdin has all the elements to attract a large audience to theaters. Because the film is not only released in many local versions, including Hindi, Tamil and Telugu, it also contains many Bollywood style dance sequences, something difficult to find in Hollywood productions.

In addition, the Indian public has always loved the folk stories of the Middle East, especially those of the collection The Arabian Nights . The stories of Night as Aladdin and Alibaba and Challis Chor became a cash cow for the cinema but also for Indian television. And so it is that the fantastic cinema spread in India on both big and small screen.

Aladdin as a film offers better perspectives on the Indian market, with most of its versions having been successful (Disney's 1992 animated film global success). Disney is building a brand in India because of the number of recent successes seen in the country.

About the Disney brand, the top three Hollywood wholesalers in India are all Disney products. From Avengers: Endgame to The War of Infinity to The Book of the Jungle all belong to Disney and the success story of the studio does not stop there . We must also count with the hit movies like Black Panther, Captain Marvel, AntMan and the Wasp among others.

Moreover, Disney has a lot to offer Indian moviegoers this year, especially with Dark Phoenix of the X-Men in the silver screen category. This will be the first product after Disney bought 21st Century Fox's badets for film and television for $ 71.3 billion in March this year.

While The chances of Aladdin look bright, film badysts expect local productions like PM, Narendra Modi and ] The most sought after of India could gain momentum in the future days due to word of mouth. However, advance bookings for both are not promising, especially for the Mumbai and Delhi tours.

The Vivek Oberoi-starrer was below expectations in the Mumbai circuit with about 10% of shows filled quickly and The most wanted India was poorer than the Modi Biopic, with a negligible number of fast filling shows.

The Delhi-NCR scenario was similar: the two films had occupancies of 15 to 20 percent and 5 to 10 percent, respectively.

While territories such as Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Chennai have seen a busy occupation range from 35 to 60 percent, this has not translated into large numbers on the day of l & # 39; opening.

This is not the first time that Hollywood proves to be a tough competition for Indian films and it seems that this time too, Hollywood scores more than Bollywood with the latest live adaptation of Disney.

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