Horoscope Today, March 15, 2019: Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Gemini, Cancer, Libra – Predict Astrology


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Horoscope of March 15, 2019: Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Gemini, Cancer, Libra – Prediction of Astrology

ARIES (March 21 – Apr. 20)

The entrance of the moon into a lively area of ​​your map should come as a welcome relief. You may feel more in control of the home and family than may have been

recently, even though the financial issues remain unclear. But I'm sure you can live with a little uncertainty.

TAURUS (April 21 to May 21)

This is truly the time to behave like a true Taurian – resolute, responsible and eager to keep all that is better of the past. However, be aware that at times you will be forced to compromise. Do not worry – it should not hurt!

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

It seems that the emotional tension of the present age has a negative effect on your health. Keeping in mind that astrology deals with prevention rather than healing, do not let this week's stress affect you. Why not take a little time to take care of yourself!

CANCER (June 22 – July 23)

Your lunar alignments remind you of the importance of professional activities and ambitions. Strangely, work can be a way to provide emotional security or a real sense of your role in the world.

LEO (24 July – 23 August)

A number of long-term commitments may have been the subject of a thorough review, but this is no reason to shirk responsibility . It may be more helpful to stay awhile and see what can be solved. Stay with her and you will end up with badets.

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

Mercury still has a powerful traction on your panel and will do it for another eight weeks. This is an indication of the heavenly protection that should allow you to recover from the ongoing struggles and escape unhurt from the ups and downs of the next two months.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23)

Although the Heavenly Challenge From Mars to the Sun, you are under personal pressure, others bark the wrong tree if they think they can maneuver you. Conciliation is the key – and this is not a problem for someone like you.

SCORPION (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22)

A family or household affair may settle, but Scorpio professionals are not out of the woods. again. Remember an essential tip: a good general never starts an impossible battle to win. Choose your field, choose your time and do not move until you are ready.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 22)

Personally and emotionally, things are likely to remain uncertain, partly because others hesitate and do not want to make a decent commitment. Even those who make arrangements are likely to break them! You will have to consider unreliable friends.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 – Jan. 20)

If you use finance as bait, you are at high risk. Other people can accept you as such or you can let yourself be made by commitments that you can not keep. As far as I know, you will give priority to your home and your family and build your life on solid foundations.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19)

Venus, lady of love, approaching the first degree of your solar card that denotes your relationships. So you must have optimism for the future, no matter what the current events suggest. You are probably more popular than you think!

PISCES (20 Feb – 20 Mar)

Self-knowledge is a specialty of Pisces and you have a rare understanding of what needs to be done. Basically, you know that the time has come to break a particular bond or badociation and to focus on another that seems to make more sense. You act on your instinct for the moment, so you have to be careful.

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