How Brie Larson's unfortunate allergy made things difficult on Captain Marvel's set


  Captain Marvel, Brie Larson, red and blue suit "title =" Captain Marvel, Brie Larson, red and blue suit "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0LGODlhAQABAAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAA7 "; 0.259xw, 0.115xh & resize = 480: * "data-size =" auto "data-srcset =" larson-1549560332.jpg? crop = 0.710xw: 0.474xh; 0.259xw, 0.115xh & resize = 640: * 640w, -marvel-brie-larson-1549560332.jpg? crop = 0.710xw: 0.474xh; 0.259xw, 0.115xh & resize = 768: * 768w, https: // com / images / captain-marvel-brie-larson- 1549560332.jpg? Crop = 0.710xw: 0.474xh; 0.259xw, 0.115xh & resize = 980: * 980w "/> 

			<span clbad= Chuck Zlotnick Marvel Studios [19659004] Captain Marvel [1945911] may be the first woman directed by Marvel movie, but not let the child ourselves, the main reason why all the e world is going to see it is because of the pet cat of the titular hero (probably).

Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) has a feline furry acolyte named Goose (reference Top Gun influenced by his days in the air force) that turns out more than useful in times of danger and who is frequently alongside the hero throughout the film.

So it's a little embarrbading that Larson has a mbadive cat allergy. D & # 39; oh.

  Captain Marvel, Cat "title =" Captain Marvel, Cat "clbad =" lazyimage lazyload "data-src =" -marvel-2-1550578356.jpg? crop = 1xw: 1xh; center, top & resize = 480: * "/> </picture></div>
			<span clbad= Marvel Studios

" It's become this joke because the crew me was watching all day doing crazy stunts, "said Larson Entertainment Weekly ." But then the cat appeared on the set and I thought, "We must have a plan! We must have a conversation!" "

The solution is to use fake cats, of course, a goose in the film is computer generated, a realistic puppet, then Reggie, the tabby cat, which is quite real and probably had to film all his scenes in a different building from the actor.

  Marvel Captain, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson "title =" lazy-lazy captain, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson "clbad =" lazyimage lazyload "data-src =";center,top&resize=480:*"/[57659008] Marvel Studios </span>		</p>
<p clbad= Related: Captain Marvel: casting, trailer, release date, spoilers and all you need to know

But it seems like his co-stars are hearing well with the felines, despite his aversion.

About working with cats, actor Samuel F Jackson's Nick Fury: "You give them a snack, you talk to them with a relatively nice tone, and you give them another snack when it's over. The next time they'll see you, it's like: "Oh, that's the guy with the snacks!" "

Brie joking:" I I mean, that's how I work too. "

Captain Marvel Released in Movie Theaters on March 8 with Avengers: Endgame in Movie Theaters British April 25 and US April 26

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