How is the end of the Game of Thrones different from books?


We are starting to see more television shows adapted from books and comics. The good news is that television editions often go their way to keep the public on their guard. We have seen this happen effectively with The Walking Dead over the last decade. Game of Thrones did it at an equally convincing level, making the final finale even more mysterious in its results.

What fans want to know now, is how the end differs from the last two editions of George RR Martin. novels, that he has not yet published. While he has his own end drawn (and told what he had in mind to the producers), everyone is wondering how similar they will be after Martin has given an important revelation.

The strange commentary of George RR Martin and the links that will unite them

Those of you who have heard the interview of George RR Martin in 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper on April 14 will know that the author may have given more than he had expected the end of Game of Thrones . Although he did not give details about the fate of his characters, he badured the fans that the final of the television edition would not really be very different from that of his own last books .

It is clear that these last two books that everyone has been waiting for eight years have been won. do not leave the party right after the end of HBO's Game of Thrones . We will probably not see any of the latest books in 2019, despite rumors that the sixth book will be released later this year.

With the news that the end of his book could be close to that of the HBO show, so are the fans. curious to know if this is a trick to put some surprises in place. For the clever fans of the series and books, they may think that Martin has given more than he would have liked.

Which characters will George R. R. Martin kill?

An interesting thing revealed by Martin during his interview with 60 Minutes will make you reconsider why he kills so many of his characters. He noted that he really does not kill more than any other film / fantasy show / science fiction. The reason why more people are so shocked by the death of his character is that he makes them live emotional experiences rather than just "broken acts".

Martin says that he really likened the characters of GoT so he hated them to die. However, his comments give a subtle idea of ​​what fans could expect in the last episode of the TV series.

No death will be inflicted on shock. If we see much of the death in the final, it will be for good reason. It may also be a clue that not as many people will die as many believe. Since Martin lives and breathes practically these characters, he may not have the courage to kill the main players.

Or maybe he will, since the murderous sequence of Red Wedding was not something he wanted to write, but he had to write eventually. 19659003] Will George RR Martin leave his books unfinished?

The last two books of Martin ( The winds of the winter / A dream of spring ) will not be published for some time after those of HBO Game of Thrones finishes. Some might think that at the time the books will be published, no one will care what Martin's end considers that he could deviate from the two or three year series. someone else will have to finish them if Martin dies in the next decade. Others think that it could change its end compared to what it had originally planned.

Should he just let the HBO series become the official end given the status of the pop culture of the series far exceeds the books?

After Martin's comment on being a slow writer and only able to work from home, relying on the end of the show may have to happen. Once a writer has become as popular as he is, there really is not enough quality time to finish other writing projects. Fans can already be resigned to this reality.

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