How the new E.P.A. The chef differs from Scott Pruitt


A few weeks after the inauguration of Mr. Trump, Mr. Murray, who contributed $ 300,000 to Trump's nomination fund, presented the President with a list of regulations that he had. he wanted to see it removed from the coal industry. In particular, Murray pushed Trump to defeat President Barack Obama's regulations designed to reduce global warming pollution from coal-fired power plants, a major cause of global warming. Mr. Trump then entrusted Mr. Pruitt with the task of revisiting these rules

. Like Mr Trump, Mr Inhofe and Mr Pruitt, Mr Wheeler has questioned the established science of climate change of human origin. In 2010, Mr. Wheeler criticized the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world's largest scientific authority on global warming, in a blog post that he has "Functioned more as a body politic than a scientific body".

However, some Democrats offered at least a modest eulogy to Mr. Wheeler – as he himself noted in another e-mail exchange with Mr. Jackson.

Following his November confirmation hearing, Mr. Wheeler sent an email to Mr. Jackson. "Everyone seemed to think I was doing a very good job, including Inhofe, Capito, and Murray, and Carper and Cardin both said great things about me," he writes.

He was referring to Democrat Senators Thomas Carper of Delaware and Ben Cardin of Maryland, both advocates of stringent environmental regulation, and Senator Shelley Moore Capito, the Republican of West Virginia, who is one of the most ardent defenders From the Washington Coal Industry.

In a statement at Mr. Wheeler's confirmation hearing, Mr. Carper said: "As a member of the Oklahoma Senate, Mr. Wheeler was someone with whom we did not always agree on each policy, but he turned out to be a partner with whom we were able to work together on policies on which we agreed. "However, Mr. Carper has finished vote against Mr. Wheeler's confirmation of his MP position.

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