I set up Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, Jokes Dwayne Johnson


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |

Posted: July 9, 2018 20:03:26 pm

  dwayne johnson on priyanka chopra and nick jonas The Hollywood star Dwayne Johnson has recently joked in saying that he was the one who had set up Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas

The actor-producer Dwayne Johnson joked about being the only one responsible for meeting the company. actress Priyanka Chopra and singer Nick Jonas

Johnson, also known as The Rock. secretly the matchmaker behind the romance, reports etonline.com. Asked about the highly spoken relationship, Johnson first answered with a question: "Are they happy?"

After learning that the couple is doing well, Johnson has cordially confirmed his role by bringing together his former co-stars. "I did it, yes, if they are happy, well, I take credit, Baywatch and Jumanji," he added, highlighting his work with Priyanka in Baywatch and with Jonas in Jumanji. Last year: Welcome to the Jungle

Priyanka, 35, and Jonah, 25, would wear matching gold rings. They even spent a day together on July 4th, which was preceded by holidays in India.

Here are some pictures of Priyanka Chopra with Nick Jonas:

  pc and nick jonas "data-lazy-src =" https: //images.indianexpress.com/2018/07/nick.jpg Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have not yet confirmed anything about their relationship (Photo Credit: Instagram / pcourheartbeat)
  priyanka chopra photos "data-lazy-src =" https://images.indianexpress.com/2018/07/nick1.jpg Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas with family and friends in Goa (Photo credit: Instagram / pcourheartbeat) [19659016] priyanka chopra boyfriend "data-lazy-src =" https://images.indianexpress.com/2018/07/nick3.jpg”/> Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have been spotted holding hands together in India (Photo credit: Instagram / pcourheartbeat)
  priyanka chopra dating "data-lazy-src =" https://images.indianexpress.com/2018/07/ nick4.jpg Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were in India some time ago (Photo Credit: Instagram / pcourheartbeat)

According to reports, the couple should make official things by committing themselves soon. The couple has attracted attention since the MET Gala last year, where they had appeared together publicly for the first time. Although Priyanka and Nick have neither confirmed nor denied the status of their relationship, they have often turned to social media platforms to share love and affection with each other.

Read also | Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are inseparable in New York | Priyanka Chopra cheering Nick Jonas at a concert, it's all kinds of adorbs

In fact, the couple had held on many occasions during their trip to India recently. Nick had also met Priyanka's mother and relatives on her recent trip here. A party was also launched in Nick's honor, according to reports, where stars like Alia Bhatt and Parineeti Chopra were seen. The two had even hosted the monsoon on vacation in the beautiful places of Goa.

(With contributions from IANS)

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