IICT Scientist Award – The Hindu


Principal Scientist of the CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology and Fellow of the Department of Biotechnology, S. Venkata Mohan was selected for the prestigious Vasvik Award of 2018 in the Science and Technology of the Environment category. by Vividhlaxi Audyohik Samshodhan Vikas Kendra, Mumbai, to scientists and researchers who have excelled in their chosen field. Dr. Venkata Mohan's contributions to research over the last 20 years on the interface between the environment and bioengineering related to the environment and human health have been taken into consideration in his selection for this year. price.

He had made concerted efforts to develop new and sustainable technologies using waste as a potential resource for both value creation and processing, through his multidisciplinary approach. His work has convincingly demonstrated that waste / wastewater is a viable and renewable raw material / substrate for the exploitation of various forms of clean bioenergy, according to a press release.

A pilot scale with simultaneous treatment of wastewater in a biorefinery approach, according to a press release.

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