Impact of human activity on forest trails on bird populations •


While the decline of species is being reported more and more frequently around the world, while climate change and human activities are the major factor in the loss of species, researchers and conservationists. are mobilizing to protect and restore global biodiversity.

Let's take the example of forest birds. Some studies have shown that forest trails have a negative effect on bird populations, but it was not well understood whether it was the trails themselves or the human activity on the trails that caused this effect.

Researchers at the University of Zurich in Switzerland conducted a study on forest trails to determine the response of bird populations over the years.

The results published in the review Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution show that birds avoid frequently used trails by humans, even if they have been in place for many years.

"We show that forest birds are very clearly affected by humans and that this avoidance behavior has not disappeared even after years of use by humans. man. This suggests that not all birds are accustomed to humans and that it remains a lasting effect, "said Yves Bötsch, the lead author of the study. "It is important to show it because the pressure on natural habitats and nature protection areas is getting stronger and access bans are often ignored."

Hiking, biking, hiking and biking trails Skiing and hiking in local, regional and national forest parks are very popular. outdoor enthusiasts, but trails and roads destroy habitats and separate wildlife populations.

Remains the following question: Is it the initial development of trails and roads in natural habitats or human activity after the fact that affects wildlife?

The researchers studied four forests with different levels of recreation and recorded all the birds observed near the trails and further away from the designated walking areas.

There were fewer birds near trails and in forests that attracted more human visitors.

Birds that were more sensitive to humans, which meant they were more likely to fly away if a human approached, were also less abundant near the trails.

"Highly sensitive species, measured by the distance from the beginning of flight (the distance a bird is exposed to a man flying away), have shown that they are better avoided. trails, even in low-traffic forests, "said Bötsch. "These sensitive species were raptors, such as the common buzzard and the sparrow hawk of Europe, as well as pigeons and woodpeckers."

The study shows that human activity along the forest trails has an impact on bird populations and that the development of recreational trails is not as much a problem as previously thought.

"It is generally accepted that hiking in the wild does not harm wildlife," Bötsch said. "But our study shows that even in forests used for decades for recreational purposes, birds are not sufficiently used to human activities to compensate for the adverse effects of human disturbance."

Researchers recommend extending protected areas in the forest and ensuring that these areas are forbidden to people. The team also said that people who enjoy hiking or biking on forest trails should stay on designated trails and not walk around.

From Kay Vandette Personal Writer

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