Imran Khan visits China in November


Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan will pay an official visit to China from November 2 to 5 at the invitation of the Chinese leadership, the meeting said Thursday.

In August, the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it would meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

Both parties are expected to sign several agreements and memoranda of understanding in various areas, according to the ministry. Khan's high-level delegation will be made up of Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi

. In Beijing, Khan will travel to Shanghai to attend the first international exhibition on China's international exports, during which Pakistan will exhibit a wide range of export products, Dawn Online said.

. On the sidelines of the exhibition, Khan will hold meetings with the other leaders present.

"The traditionally close, cooperative and friendly relations between Pakistan and China are based on common principles and mutual interests involving close cooperation in various fields," the ministry said. Economic and industrial cooperation between Pakistan and China has expanded considerably after the establishment of the Sino-Pakistani economic corridor, "the president added, and returned with a $ 6 billion rescue package from Riyadh. , should also visit Malaysia in the coming weeks.


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