In Antarctica, found traces of the continent


 В Антарктиде найдены следы затерянных континентов "title =" В Антарктиде найдены следы затерянных континентов "/> <strong> East Antarctica on the composition of Their crust akin to India and Australia. </strong></p>
<p> The European Space Agency Discovered traces of a Antarctica for millions of years. </p>
<p> The ancient continents of the world. The earth's lithosphere consists of the crust and molten mantle under the earth's surface and contains ranges and rocky areas, which are remnants of ancient continents that are included in modern. </p>
<p> "In East Antarctica, we see a fascinating mosaic of geological features, which reveals fundamental similarities and differences betwee The author of this paper, "- said study co-author Fausto Ferraccioli, Scientific Director of the Department of Geology and Geophysics at the British Antarctic Survey. </p>
<p> to scientists, oz Antarctica was part of the Gondwana supercontinent, which began to break up about 130 million years ago. However, the link between Antarctica and Australia remained 55 million years ago. Recently discovered the rocky areas are the remains of ancient continents, and they provide information about the structure of the modern continents of the earth. </p>
<p> The study shows that East Antarctica on the composition of their crust akin to India and Australia. </p>
<p> "To get a more coherent image of the crust and upper mantle in 3D, we combined the data with the interplay between flat tectonics and deep mantle dynamics," says study co-author Jörg Ebbing from the University of Kiel in Germany. </p>
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