In memory of the cosmologist Georges Lemaitre, the Catholic priest who proposed the theory of the Big Bang


On July 17, Google paid tribute to Belgian priest, cosmologist and astronomer Georges Lemaitre. He is most famous for formulating the Big Bang Theory, which argues that the universe began with the cataclysmic explosion of a small primitive super-atom.

Born July 17, 1894, the man whose theory would be withheld from the non-existence of a superior being, was quite ironically, a Catholic priest. On Tuesday, Google celebrated its birthday with a GIF showing its photo with the expanding universe in the background.

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Civil engineer, he served as an artillery officer in the Belgian army during the First World War, after which he entered the seminary in 1923 and was ordained a priest. He also studied at the University of Cambridge and at the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, where he met the discoveries of American astronomers Edwin Hubble and Harlow Shelpey.

In 1927 he became professor of astrophysics at the Catholic University of Louvain. The same year, he proposes his Big Bang Theory, which explains the recession of galaxies as part of Einstein's General Relativity. His theory was confirmed by Edwin Hubble and is now known as Hubble's Law.

After Lemaitre delivered his lecture and theory to a group of esteemed scientists in 1933 at the California Institute of Technology, Einstein applauded it and said: The most beautiful and satisfying explanation of creation I have never listened to. "

He also works on cosmic rays, the three-body problem that concerns the mathematical description of the motion of three mutually attractive bodies in space.

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