In pictures: astronomy photographer of the year 2018


  Transportation the Soul

Copyright of the Image Writer
Brad Goldpaint

The winners of the annual photography competition of the Royal Observatory of Greenwich were announced. The first place comes to the picture of a spectacular landscape under the Milky Way. [19659005] The American photographer Brad Goldpaint won the General Award, the Photographer of the Year Insight in Astronomy, and the People and Space category.

Taken at Moab, Utah, Goldpaint's Soul Transport depicts huge red rock formations under the Milky Way. the right and the distant Andromeda galaxy on the left.

Goldpaint beat thousands of amateur and professional photographers from around the world to win the £ 10,000 first prize.

Judge Will Gater said, "For me, this beautiful image is emblematic of all that it means to be an astrophotographer, balancing light and darkness, the contrasting textures and tones of the earth and sky and the photographer alone under a starry vault of a scale and of a breathtaking beauty. "

  Gray Line of Presentation

People and Space

Finalist: Andrew Whyte (UK) with Living Space

Taking Whyte's photo in Pagham, West Susbad, to show how much we are used to the loss of views of the night sky because of the light pollution, with off-street lights for breathtaking views.

  Living Space

Author's Right of the Image
Andrew Whyte

  Gray Line of Presentation


Winner: Nicolas Lefaudeux (France) with Speed ​​on the aurora way

An auroral NDD blur drifts in the sky over Sirkka, Finland, and looks like a road disappearing on the horizon.

  Speed ​​on the Aurora Way

Copyright of the Image
Nicolas Lefaudeux

Best Finalist: Matthew James Turner (United Kingdom) with the Castlerigg Stone Circle

Turner's image shows standing stones illuminated by the moonlight, while aurorae beyond the mountains give the impression that the hills emit an ethereal green glow.

  Castlerigg Stone Circle

Author's Right of the Image
Matthew James Turner

  Gray Line of Presentation


Winner: Steven Mohr (Australia) with NGC 3521, The Mysterious Galaxy

The spiral galaxy NGC 3521 is located approximately 26 million light-years away from the constellation Leo, with enormous amounts of dust and wandering stars who shine in the distance.

Aging yellow-red stars, younger blue-and-white stars that burn aggressively, and various scattered nebulae provide a brilliant range of contrasting color shades.

This image has approximately 20.5 hours of exposure time with various filters. ] NGC 3521, Mysterious galaxy "src ="–steven-mohr.jpg "width =" 976 "height =" 690 "/>
                  Author's Right of the Image
Steven Mohr

Best Finalist: Raul Villaverde Fraile (Spain) with From Mirach

This image is a mosaic of 24 images representing the Messier 31 and Messier 33 galaxies on both sides of the Mirach star.

  From Mirach

Author's Right of the Image
Raul Villaverde Fraile

  Gray Line of Presentation

Our Moon

Winner: Jordi Delpeix Borrell (Spain) with Inverted Colors of the boundary between Mare Serenitatis and Mare Tranquilitatis

Color inversion is a legacy of deep sky imagery, where slight details of galaxies and nebulae can sometimes be more clear in a negative image.

Moon imaging in this way can help reveal otherwise barely detectable soil features, such as ray systems.

  Inverted colors of the boundary between Mare Serenitatis and Mare Tranquilitatis

Copyright of the author
Jordi Delpeix Borrell

Finalist: Peter Ward (Australia) with Earth Shine

During a total solar eclipse, the brightness of the solar corona conceals the details of the moon.

However, by superimposing multiple digital exposures – from two seconds to 1 / 2,000th of a second – Ward's image shows the bright solar corona as well as the moon's face, illuminated by the reflecting sunlight on the ground.


Peter Ward

  Gray Line of Presentation

Our Sun

Winner: Nicolas Lefaudeux (France) with the Sun King, the Little King and the god of war

This image shows the solar corona during a total solar eclipse over Unity, Oregon, United States.

The eclipsing sun is flanked to the left of the blue star Regulus and the red planet Mars to the right.

More than 120 single images were used, with a total exposure time of 100 seconds.

  Sun King, Little King and God of War

Copyright of the Image
Nicolas Lefaudeux

Finalist: Stuart Green (UK) with its Colorful Eruptive Preaminence

In this image, the photographer managed to capture eruptive prominence just hours after a mbadive solar flare.

Presented in an inverted format and enhanced color to create a warm, sunny glow. the photo shows the beautiful structure of the chromosphere of hydrogen.

  Colorful eruptive prominence

Copyright of the author
Stuart Green

  Gray line of presentation

Planets, comets and asteroids

Winner: Martin Lewis (Kingdom -Uni) with The Grace of Venus

Lewis photographed This infrared image of Venus uses a monochrome digital video camera mounted on a reflector telescope.

The video was processed to remove the blur caused by the Earth's atmosphere and the images were combined to create a single still image of the planet.

  The Grace of Venus

Copyright of the Image
Martin Lewis

Best Finalist: Martin Lewis (United Kingdom) with the Parade of the Planets [19659005] Martin has photographed every planet in our solar system from his own garden in St Albans, Hertfordshire.

Mercury, Uranus and Neptune needed infrared imaging to bring out the details of the surface and were colorized to match their more natural visual appearance.

All images are displayed at the relative size that would be indicated to them by telescope.

  Parade of the Planets

Author's Right of the Image
Martin Lewis

  Gray Line of Presentation


Winner: Ferenc Szemar (Hungary) with Circumpolar

In Gatyateto, Hungary, colorful star trails come together under the bright glow of cities.

This extremely long capture sequence shows the circumpolar Almach star, also known as Gamma Andromedae, just touching the horizon.


Image copyright
Ferenc Szémár

Runner-up: Chuanjin Su (China) with the eclipsed moon trail

This image shows a spectacular total lunar eclipse seen from Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, China.

The photographer set his camera on a four-hour battery, capturing an image reflecting the moon's color and brightness changes before, during, and after the eclipse.

  Eclipsed Moon Trail

Author's Right
Chuanjin Su

  Gray Line of Presentation

Stars and Nebula

Winner: Mario Cogo (Italy ) with the complex Corona Australis Dust

Under the dark Namibian sky, the photographer set his camera to a six o'clock position in order to capture the molecular complex CrA, a large dark and irregular area located in the northern part of Corona Australis.

  Corona Australis Dust Complex

19659003] Mario Cogo

Vice Champion: Mario Cogo (Italy) with Rigel and the Witch Head Nebula

The Witch Head Nebula is a very light cloud of gas Molecular illuminated by the super-star Rigel, the seventh most brilliant star in the world. the sky and the brightest star of the constellation Orion.

  Rigel and the Nebula Witch Head

Copyright of the Image
Mario Cogo

  Gray Line of Presentation

Young Photographer in Astronomy of the Year [19659010]: Fabian Dalpiaz (Italy, ag 15) with Great Autumn Morning

On a Monday morning early before taking an exam at school, the photographer decided to go out and take pictures.

On a 50mm lens, Dalpiaz captured this incredible photograph of a meteor pbading over the Dolomites in Italy.

  Early morning of autumn

Copyright of the image
Fabian Dalpiaz

Vice-champion: Logan Nicholson (Australia, 13 years) with the nebula Eta Carinae

The Nebula Eta Carina, or NGC 3372, is the largest and brightest nebula in the sky and is in the constellation Carina.

To create this image, the photographer has stacked and processed several pictures.

  Eta Carinae's Nebula

Author's Right of the Image
Logan Nicholson

  Gray Line of Presentation

Special Award: Sir Patrick Moore Award for Best Newcomer

Winner: Tianhong Li (China) with Galaxy Curtain Call Performance

This was the last opportunity in 2017 to see the Silver Core of the Milky Way before sinking into Below the horizon at Ming & Antu, China.

The image is badembled from 20 images. [19659013] Galactic Curtain Call Performance "src =" "width =" 976 "height = "750" />
                  Copyright of the Image
Tianhong Li

  Gray Line of Presentation

Special Award: Robotic Scope

Winner: Damian Peach (United Kingdom) with Two Comets with the Pleiades

the picture shows a very rare conjunction of two brilliant comets pbading the group of stars of the Pleiades; Comet C / 2017 O1 (ASASSN) is on the far left, while C2015 ER61 (PanSTARRS) is in the center.

The photographer uses a remote telescope located in Mayhill, New Mexico.

  Two Comets with the Pleiades

Copyright of the author
Damian Peach

All photographs are courtesy of the photographer of the year, Insight Astronomy, at Royal Observatory of Greenwich.

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