In the United States, talked about the failure of the Russian lunar mission


В США рассказали о провале российской лунной миссии

The first Russian lunar mission "Luna-glob" is facing technical, political and ballistic problems. This writes

The US edition notes that the developer "Luna-glob" has gyrostabilization difficulties necessary for an accurate determination of the orientation in the surrounding space. The equipment, created by a Russian entrepreneur, "does not work properly", while the sale in Europe is impossible because of the sanctions. Currently, according to the portal, the development of gyrostabilizer loaded another Russian company, however, the relevant work will not be completed until 2020.

This delay, says that can cause even more delay in the pace of implementation of the mission due to a change in ballistic flight conditions from Earth to the Moon (the new gyrostabilization is six times heavier than expected). planned to launch on the easy Indian rocket).

Such delays, the publication continues, led to the refusal of Sweden on cooperation with Russia "Luna-glob", with the result that one of the key instruments of the mission, LINA-XSAN (eXtra Small Analyzer for Neutrals) Swedish needed to study the interaction of space plasma on the surface of the moon, will be installed in the Chinese lunar mission Rover, Chang & # 39; e 4.
The publication writes that scientists are talking in favor of postponing the launch of "Luna-glob" for 2021 who are not satisfied with "Roscosmos".

The last Soviet (Russian) mission on the moon ("Luna-24"), during which the earth of the satellite was taken soil samples, took place in 1976. during the mission "Luna-glob (Luna -25 "), planned to send the landing gear that must land in the area of ​​the crater Bohuslav near the south pole of the moon. The launch of the Russian mission, originally planned for 2016, has been postponed until 2019.

As previously announced "FACTS", the company SpaceX Elon Musk has made the 11th this year the successful launch of the carrier rocket.

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