Harmanpreet Singh, an Indian corner shooter, said his goal was to retain the Asian Champions Trophy, Muscat 2018, currently underway at the Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex.
"The Indian team is looking for all five Harmanpreet, who scored three goals to give India a 4-1 win over South Korea in its last championship game Wednesday night.
India remains at the top of the league standings with 13 points on five outings. Their opponent in the semifinals will be determined after the last day of league games, even though Malaysia, Pakistan and Japan have earned enough points to get South Korea and Oman out of the frame.
"The team retains its structure and concentration by retaining the title," said Harmanpreet, whose coach considers him one of the corner takers in penalties. "
the team in all parts of the world." Supporter support is still a major badet for us. "
Harmanpreet made a prominent debut in international hockey when he made his debut in the 2016 Sultan Azlan Shah Cup in Ipoh (Malaysia) He then represented India at the Champions Trophies in London and at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in a few months.
Since then, Coach Harendra Singh said that Harmanpreet had become an excellent F licker. "Harmanpreet is one of the best penalty corner shooters in today's match," said Harendra, who wishes as the attackers earn more penalty corners so that the strength of India then also become goals.
"Do not forget that it's possible to force a penalty corner when they can not find room for a shy goalie," said Harendra.
"When you do not find space to shoot at the goal, try to earn penalty corners" the coach advised his forwards. "Penalty corners provide a cushion and a shot at the goal."
"We have the ability to score both with direct hits in the penalty corners and on rebounds," said Harendra.
India then plays the semi-final on Saturday.
(This story was not modified by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated thread.)
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