India justifies the fact that the domestic carrier renamed Taiwan to Chinese Taipei on its website


NEW DELHI: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has justified its advice to Air India to change the name of Taiwan to conform to international standards and Indian policy. Since Wednesday, Air India has started to include Taiwan on its website under the name "Taipei, Taoyuan International Airport, TPE, Chinese Taipei".

The Taiwanese media criticized India's decision, calling it "kowtowing" in Beijing. The only airlines that have not followed the Chinese diktat are American Airlines, Delta, United Airlines, Asiana Airlines, Korean Air and Vietnam Airlines.

When questioned, AEM spokesman Raveesh Kumar said: "The decision of Air India is in line with international standards and our own position on Taiwan since 1949". However, the Modi government has said in the past that it would support Beijing's "One China" policy only when China supports a "One India" policy. Wednesday's decision comes as the government has made an extra effort to move closer to China in recent months, raising questions as to whether India had compromised its traditional positions.

The Economic and Cultural Center of Taiwan in India (TECC) responded with a statement formulated in abrupt terms and stated that it "regretted that this decision by Air India, a public airline, could be considered as a gesture of succumbing to China's unreasonable and absurd pressure. "TECC representative Chung Kwang Tien urged Air India to stand up against the unreasonable demand.

Taiwan even sent an official letter of protest to the MEA and in its statement it "hopes that the Indian government will be able to provide firm support to its public services and private companies to defend themselves against intimidation from a foreign country ". "He fears that if such politically motivated intimidation actions prevail, the freedom of people in business and in their expression of opinion be compromised, also free and democratic nations should work together to protect their common values ​​and interests ". in his statement.

On April 25, the Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) asked 34 airlines to describe Taiwan as part of China on their websites. Air India operates a code-share flight to Taiwan with Air China. The CAAC has stated that airlines must comply with their request by June 24, or be subject to punitive action by "Cyber ​​Security Authorities".

The United States had rejected China's instructions, saying to the White House "It's an Orwellian nonsense and part of the Chinese Communist Party's growing tendency to impose its political views on American citizens. and to private companies ". US airlines continue to call Taiwan.

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