India will be able to win in Australia: De Villiers


  Will be difficult but India will be able to win in Australia: De Villiers "title =" Will be hard but India will be able to win Australia: De Villiers "/>
<p>  AB of Villiers. (Getty Images) </p>
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<p>								  AB de Villiers, a great South African cricket player, said that India had a good chance of winning the next Test Series against Australia, provided it started well. the tour. Previously, but de Villiers thinks that if India can keep her bowler fast, she may trouble Australia. </p>
<p>  "India has a very good chance. They came to South Africa and probably played cricket better in the series of three tests, "he said. "They lost in England, but once again, this first test was on the edge of the razor and could have gone both ways, which would have changed the complexion of the series. The tour in Australia will be difficult, but they have the opportunity to win there. </p>
<p> "Bumrah and Bhuvneshwar were not ready in England, so India can prepare all the fast bowlers. They have, if not the best, one of the best bowling attacks in the world and we know what batting is capable of. They must seize the opportunities against Australia. "</p>
<p>  De Villiers then insists on the importance of starting well. "If you slip the first test there, it will become a snowball and it will be similar to what happened in England. They slipped in South Africa and England, it sort of snowballed. They have to start well in Australia (a lot) then things get easier. </p>
<p>  "They just did not start well (in England), that's all. They competed and really played cricket. They had opportunities and when you're on tour, you have to grab them. "</p>
<p>  Finally, de Villiers talked about his fellowship with Virat Kohli and areas where he thinks Kohli can still improve. "There is certainly some chemistry about us batting. We have a similar state of mind about the game we enjoy. It's nice to argue with someone who understands your way of playing and mutual understanding. He loves Ronaldo, so let him be and I'll be Messi, I'll take it with pleasure. </p>
<p>  "Kohli learned from his mistakes, he is really a good captain and he is improving. This is the scary part. As a drummer, he has areas in which he can improve, which is also scary. In summary, he occupies a place of choice in his career. "<br />
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<p><b>  First published: </b> 21 October 2018 at 14 h 46 IST </p>
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