India's racist attack in PewDiePie – Supreme Court orders YouTube to remove two shocking videos


  India c. PewDiePie - High Court would order YouTube to remove two offensive lanes

India does not like PewDiePie's racist rhetoric much.

Last month, apparently, "conceded" the crown for the largest number of subscribers Felix & # 39; PewDiePie & # 39; Kjellberg, YouTube, has published a diss title.

In the song "Congratulations", the famous YouTube star detailed several "facts" about the Indian T-Series label.

" Congratulations to your company. / Guess to beat a Swede, you need one billion Asians. "

Revealing the history of the company in the sale of pirated songs, Kjellberg continued,

" Now you are at number one, I hope n & rsquo; Nothing wrong. / It's like starting your business selling pirated songs. "

T-Series remained publicly silent about insults.

Placed under the Indian label, a Supreme Indian Court has now rendered a decision against Kjellberg.

India c. PewDiePie.

The Delhi High Court reportedly ordered YouTube to remove two tracks PewDiePie – "Bi-h Lasagna" and "Congratulations".

The court told the popular video platform "to remove and disable access" to both tracks.T-Series first complained, claiming that Kjellberg's songs were "defamatory, disparaging, insulting, and offensive." The songs also contained "repeated comments … abusive, vulgar, and racist."

Single Judge Jayant Nath reportedly rendered the decision. wrote:

" In my opinion, it would be in the interests of justice that these videos be removed by YouTube ."

A court order states that YouTube has two weeks to comply.

Immediately after the decision, fans of the YouTube star came to his defense on social media.

" Imagine going to court because of a movie PewDiePie diss lmfao, increase up. "

" [19459] 008] @pewdiepie Here's real news that Bollywood Hungama is known for his throw-in articles. The Delhi High Court has ordered nothing. We are with you, Felix, my Indian love. "

" PewDiePie: Take a joke! Series T: * continues the joke in court * "

" @TSeries Really? Take legal action for removal? hahaha Butthurt? @pewdiepie A man is being chased by a whole country hahaha xD as if youtube was taken seriously by an Indian court, xD, a company of this size, only downloading music videos (it does not create content). Pathetic. "

" The T series asked the Supreme Court of India to have YouTube remove @ pewdiepie's music videos from the platform. "

In defending the derogatory titles, Kjellberg described his songs as" joke ".

Expressing about a recent petition calling for the ban on PewDiePie's video platform, he replied,

" Lots of these points are nothing but lies lying flat "

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