India's S-400 missile system against Russia should escape US sanctions


Written by Shubhajit Roy
| New Delhi |

Last Updated: July 25, 2018 4:52:23 am

  India, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Missiles S400 India said the US will proceed to the acquisition of Russian missile system S-400

India, along with Indonesia and Vietnam, is expected to obtain a waiver of US sanctions against Russia, sources at the South Block told The Indian Express. Tuesday. The United States, said sources, communicated this to the Indian government, thus removing one of the friction points in bilateral relations.

A crucial agreement on S-400 air defense missile systems with Russia would have invited the United States. New Delhi had made it clear that it would pursue the agreement that is in an "advanced phase".

On the derogation, a source from the Southern Bloc said: "This makes the atmosphere conducive to a productive discussion when the 2+ Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj and the Minister of Defense , Nirmala Sitharaman, will welcome US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of Defense James Mattis on September 6 in New Delhi.

READ | Sources have reported that a committee of the United States US Congress has proposed derogations for India from harsh penalties under the US Anti-Sanctions Act (CAATSA).

The Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and Chambers in a joint report to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) -2019 made an amended waiver to article 231 of CAATSA A conference report refers to the final version of a draft negotiated between the House of Rep Residents and the Senate through a Conference Committee

NADA-2019 now moves to the Senate and House to be formally sent. in the White House for President Donald Trump to sign a law

The CAATSA derogation, or "exclusion", however, requires that India gradually reduce weapons manufactured in Russia and strengthens cooperation with the United States .

The US Congress asked to renounce India after intense lobbying by the US administration, led by Mattis, and Indian diplomats in Washington DC, led by Ambbadador Navtej Sarna [19659006] This derogation will allow India to buy Russian defense equipment. The argument of New Delhi was that "a weaker India in this district is not in the US interest". Sources said putting India under sanctions would weaken the Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States. In addition, China has been badertive and proactive in the Indo-Pacific region.

New Delhi also pointed out that the United States has been one of the main beneficiaries of the diversification of defense procurement in India. designated as a "major defense partner" of the United States

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