IOC President Bach welcomes the "fantastic" Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires


The President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, hailed "the truly fantastic Youth Olympic Games" as Buenos Aires 2018 officially ended.

The closing ceremony at the Youth Olympic Village broke with tradition on Thursday. official speeches and the usual parade of athletes, reports the Xinhua News Agency.

There were still acrobats, tango dancers, a parade of flags and an invigorating restitution of the Argentine national anthem.

The transfer of the Olympic flag to Soham El Wardini, mayor of the Senegalese capital, Dakar the following Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2022.

The Olympic cauldron was then extinguished before it was completed. a spectacular fireworks puts an end to the show of 45 minutes.

"We celebrated together a great sports festival and I enjoyed watching you," said Bach at the large gathering of athletes gathered for the ceremony.

"Thanks for your great performance, your fair play and your Olympic spirit, you were really the best."

Buenos Aires, President 2018 and IOC member Gerardo Werthein, also paid tribute to the 4,000 athletes from 206 countries and regions who took part in the Games, as well as thousands of volunteers.

"You have honored my country … I would like to thank the entire team at the CIO, led by Thomas Bach, for all his support and for giving us the opportunity to do something different", said Werthein.

Russia was the most successful delegation in Buenos Aires in 2018 with 29 gold medals, followed by China (18), Japan (15), mixed NOCs (13), Hungary (12), Italy (11) and Argentina (11).


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