Iranian border guards kidnapped on the border with Pakistan


TEHRAN: Media reports said 14 members of the Iranian security forces, including Revolutionary Guards intelligence agents, were kidnapped on Tuesday, the press reported on Tuesday in southeastern Pakistan. The official IRNA news agency reported that "Lulakdan" is a small village located 150 km southeast of Zahedan, capital of Sistan-Baluchistan province, in the south-east of the country.

Of the 14, two were members of the Revolutionary Guards intelligence unit, and seven were Basij militia volunteers involved in a "security operation."

The others were regular border guards, according to the Young Journalists' Club, a state-owned news site.

Reports do not mention a specific group as suspicious in the abduction.

The region has long been a strong point, with separatists and Baluchi extremists based in Pakistan regularly attacking Iranian security posts.

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