Iranian spy service suspected of murder in Denmark – security chief


 Iranian spy service suspected of badbadination in Denmark - security chief

By Emil Gjerding Nielson and Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) – Denmark Iranian Arab Opposition to the Status of the Iranian Arab Republic (19659003)

A Norwegian citizen of Iranian background was arrested in Sweden on Oct. 21 in connection with the plot and extradited to neighboring Denmark, Swedish security police said.

The Norwegian has denied the charges and the Iranian government also denied any connection with the alleged plot.

The attack was meant to target the leader of the Danish branch of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahvaz (ASMLA), Danish intelligence chief Finn Borch Andersen said

ASMLA seeks a separate state for ethnic Arabs in Iran's oil-producing southwestern province of Khuzestan. Arabs are a minority in Iran, and some of them are under Persian occupation and want independence or autonomy

"We are dealing with an Iranian intelligence agency planning an attack on Danish soil. accept that, "Andersen told a news conference.

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Qasemi dismissed the charges. "This is a continuation of enemies 'plots to damage Iranian relations with Europe at this critical time," Tasnim news agency quoted him as saying.

The EU is trying to save big powers' 2015 deal with Iran that curbed its nuclear activity In the United States of America, the Prime Minister of the United States of America and the United States of America, the Prime Minister of the United States of America (19659003) Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen called the planned attack "totally unacceptable" and said British Prime Minister Theresa May


"In light of the latest," The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United States of America. Development, Denmark will now push for a further sanctions against Iran, "Samuelsen said. Denmark's ambbadador in Tehran had been recalled for consultations, Samuelsen added.

"We congratulate the government of Denmark on its arrest of an Iranian murderer," U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a tweet. "

Andersen said the arrest of a foreign intelligence service plotter murdered in Denmark. ] Sept. 28, Danish police shuttled two major bridges to traffic and halted ferry services from Denmark to Sweden in a nationwide police operation to prevent a possible attack.

A few days earlier, the Norwegian suspect had been observed photographing and the Danish home of the ASMLA leader, police said.

In November 2017, Ahmad Mola Nissi, an Iranian exile who established ASMLA, was shot dead in the Netherlands. The Danish security service then bolstered police protection of the ASMLA leader in Denmark and two badociates.

Last month, Iran summoned the envoys of the Netherlands, Denmark and Britain over a Sept. 22 shooting attack on a military parade in Khuzestan in which 25 people were killed

The Iranian Opposition Group Against the Iranian Opposition Groups

Another Arab opposition group, the Ahwaz National Resistance, and the Islamic State activist group, but neither has provided conclusive evidence to back up their claim.

Last week, diplomatic and security sources said France had expelled an Iranian diplomat over a defeated Iranian opposition group. 19659003] (Reporting by Emil Gjerding Nielson, Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen and Teis Jensen with additional reporting by Stine Jacobsen and Terje Solsvik, Bozorgmehr Sharafedin in Londo John Irish in Paris; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

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