Is the 2018 blood moon that will appear on Jerusalem a sign of apocalypse? Paul Begley says YES


  Super blue moon of blood

Improvement of the artist of a full moon eclipsed. NASA

Christian preacher and televangelist Paul Begley has now sensibly claimed that the blood moon that will appear on Jerusalem on July 27 is a strong sign of an impending apocalypse. According to Begley, the next lunar eclipse will mark the last page in the history of humanity, and he clarified that these predictions are derived after a thorough badysis of biblical prophecies.

Pretend the world will be stunned in the near future In the future, the pastor revealed that the Moon of Blood will pbad over Israel and the Middle East this month, thus fulfilling the biblical prophecies. Begley said that this year's Blood Moon event is a prophetic event that is mentioned in the biblical book of Acts, chapter 2: 16-21, the book of Joel and the book of revelations

The Longest Blood Moon in the 21st Century

Earlier, astronomers revealed that the Blood Moon in July will be the longest in the 21st century, and that it should last an hour and 43 minutes.

Paul Begley argued that United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the entire Middle East are already in a state of shock after realizing that this year's lunar eclipse will last 103 minutes.

"The United Arab Emirates are going to be stunned – they are already stunned by what is The Blood Moon which is going to be directly over the Middle East, directly over Jerusalem and the United Arab Emirates, is already stunned by the 103 minutes achievement of Absolute Moon Blood over their heads, "said Begley,

According to Begley, the upcoming Blood Moon is the lunar eclipse of this century, and there will not be another event of this kind in the future because the world will end.He added that most of the world's leaders, including the Saudi prince, the American president Donald Trump, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are aware of the imminent disaster.

Will the moon turn red during the blood moon? Begley has become viral, experts strongly argue that it's not going to happen. there is nothing special about this blood moon, and it is without any a doubt a natural phenomenon. Even if the moon appears red during the time of the eclipse, our natural satellite does not really change color. In the earth, the moon will be seen as red, but in space, it will appear gray as always.

According to experts, this is a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering which is responsible for this color change when we look at the earth. As the moon enters the Earth's shadow, some particles of sunlight will reach the surface of the moon.

Through the Earth's atmosphere, the sun's rays will disperse, filtering the purple and green bands. spectrum. It is worth mentioning that the effect that turns the orange of the sunset and the blue of the sky is actually responsible for the red color of the moon at the time of Blood Moon.

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