Israel deploys border reinforcements as Syrians flee strikes | News from the world


Israel has deployed artillery and armored reinforcements along its northern border with Syria, Israeli Defense Forces said on Sunday as tens of thousands of Syrians fled to its borders and those of Jordan. In southwestern Syria, last weekend, the Syrian regime broke down and prompted the Syrian regime to undertake further air attacks

Government forces now claim to control more than half of the province of Daraa

. delicate region, contiguous to both Jordan and the Golan Heights occupied by Israel. As many as 11,000 refugees had already reached the Israeli border barrier on the Golan Heights on Sunday, deeming it to be the safest place to avoid Syrian air raids. Some refugees asked Israel to protect them or even to annex the territory.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discussed the humanitarian crisis in Syria at a government meeting on Sunday saying, "We will continue to defend our borders, we will provide the best humanitarian badistance that we can, we will not allow entry into our territories and will require strict compliance with the 1974 disengagement agreement with the Syrian Army. "He said that he was in contact with the White House. and Syrian refugees on the border with Syria "src =" max & s = 4b4c9b45ff2e77705390db45ff478e73 "/>

Jordanian soldiers on the border with Syria, where thousands fled to escape air strikes. Photography: Anadolu Agency / Getty Images

Neighboring Jordan says she can not afford to take more refugees and hijacks IDPs at the border.

For Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the resumption of the entire province of Deraa would be a key symbolic victory for the regime, seen as the cradle of the anti-Assad uprising, seven years ago , which has turned into But a little less than half of Daraa province – including part of the provincial capital of the same name – remains in the hands of the rebels, and the UN has more than 160 000 internally displaced persons. The fighting in Daraa province took place in the de-escalation zone decided last year by US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Jordanian government.

Syrian rebel spokesman Ibrahim Jabawi rejected Russian terms. "The talks collapsed because the Russians insisted on their conditions for us to surrender." He said Russia wanted the rebels to hand over their arms, and that government forces return to rebel-held areas.

A negotiator in the party held by the rebels of the city of Daraa told the Agence France-Presse: "All people who carried weapons would be judged.The regime wants us to give everything – the city Daraa, Nasib's pbadage, ourselves and heavy weapons. "

Syria's main opposition group, the Syrian Negotiating Committee (NSC), urged the international community to denounce violence, declaring that it should be clear to the members of the Security Council that Russia and Iran "can not be" We call on the international community to condemn the brutal violation of the de-escalation zone … and to take all possible measures to put an end to this attack. "" A city held by the rebels east of the city of Daraa during airstrikes Saturday "src =" uk / img / media / 9f701186085895753618d09dd73a232bf55926ea / 0_384_4808_2884 / mast er / 4808.jpg? w = 300 & q = 55 & size = & Auto USM = 12 & did = & s = max 9370f605d44db8b1da72d10258bff1db "/>

A city held by rebels east of the city of Daraa during Saturday airstrikes. Photography: Mohamad Abazeed / AFP / Getty Images

An estimated 115 civilians have been killed in regime bombings on the province since June 19.

Nearly 20,000 refugees are close to areas near the Nasib border crossing with Jordan, which already hosts more than 650,000 Syrian refugees are registered and the current figure is close to 1.3 million.

Amman can not open its border to Syrians fleeing the seven-year conflict, but announced Saturday it has sent help from across the border.

Pope Francis denounced the intensified attacks in southern Syria, demanding that sufferings be spared.

In his remarks Sunday at the Vatican, he said that "the military actions of recent days have hit even schools, hospitals and triggered thousands of new refugees."

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