Israel further strengthens Gaza blockade on incendiary kites


Israel further reinforced its blockade of the Gaza Strip today, preventing fuel deliveries by its sole crossing with the Palestinian enclave after dozens of kites carried incendiary bombs across the border to burn Israeli farmland. the move Monday night after declaring last week that it was closing the crossing at most deliveries, citing the kites and balloons that have for months been carrying incendiary bombs into Israel from Gaza.

Fuel deliveries will be suspended until Sunday, the ministry said in a statement. The fishing zone imposed by Israel off the Gaza Strip will also be reduced from six nautical miles to three.

The goods pbadage, known as Kerem Shalom, will remain open for food and medicine on a case-by-case basis. "In the light of Hamas's continued terrorist efforts, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has decided, after consulting the chief of the staff, to close Kerem Shalom for the pbadage of fuel and gas until it reaches the end of the day. ;see you on Sunday". The Islamist Hamas movement, which leads the Gaza Strip and waged three wars against Israel since 2008, denounced the movement

that called last week's closure a "crime against humanity".

Palestinians in Gaza regard balloons and kites as legitimate resistance to Israel's more than ten-year blockade.

The closed pbadage is the only one between Gaza and Israel for the transport of goods. A separate pbadage, known as Erez, is for people.

The only other border crossing of Gaza is with Egypt. This crossing has been largely closed in recent years, but Egypt has opened since mid-May.

Israeli media reported that Egypt was preparing to close its pbadage, but no confirmation.

The spokesman for Israeli firefighters said that about 750 fires burned some 2,600 hectares, estimating the damage to millions of shekels (hundreds of thousands of shekels).

The blockade comes after the most intense firefights between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza since the war on Saturday in 2014.

Israel carried out air strikes partially in response to the months of Fires started by the incendiary bombs of kites, but also demonstrations and ongoing clashes along the Gaza border.

Israel hit dozens of sites that belonged to militants in the Gaza Strip on Saturday. On the same day, about 200 rockets and mortars were fired at Israel since the Hamas-led enclave and four Israelis were wounded when a rocket hit a house in the nearby Israeli town of Sderot

(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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