ISRO invites foreign "runners" to Venus


A 18 – month pitch for what could be the first Indian orbiter mission to Venus has just been refreshed and revived, opening it now for international experiments. By the middle of 2023, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) plans to study the planet from an elliptical orbit near Venus 500 km and 60,000 km away, as in its Mars Orbiter mission (MOM) 2013.

The latest ad opportunity (AO) does not specify the weight of the spacecraft; he plans to send instruments or payloads weighing 100 kg. (The MOM payload was around 15 kg.)

The new series invites space experimentation ideas on Venus from space agencies, universities, and researchers.

They should complete a dozen Indian experiments retained in the list of responses received for the OD of April 2017. She then had forecast a total payload of 175 kg. The answers would have been fewer and less than expected.

3rd Interplanetary Dash

Currently managed by the Space Science Program Office, the entire project must be approved by the Space Science Advisory Committee and approved by the Commission of the Space and, eventually, by the government.

From the Moon orbit the Chandrayaan-1 mission in 2008 and the MOM worth 450 crowns, the journey of Venus – it's approved – would be the third interplanetary dash of the year. ISRO.

Chandrayaan-2 is about to take off in January or February 2019.

ISRO says it's possible that ISRO lowers the orbit of its future spacecraft Come after a more accurate observation time. According to an informed ISRO official, the Venus mission would be comparable to the phenomenally popular MOM in terms of cost and orbit.

The manager stated that the plan was in its infancy and that it would be finely defined once the experiments were chosen. They would decide the weight of the spacecraft and the rocket he would need.

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