ISRO to test its astronaut escape device today – ANDHRA PRADESH


The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has scheduled a "buffer abandonment test" of an experimental capsule of the space crew on Thursday morning as an important cog in its plan to send Indians into the space one day. or PAT, involves the abandonment of a space capsule at launch to rescue the detainees. It is scheduled for 7 am at the ISRO launching center in Sriharikota, Satish Dhawan Space Center (SDSC), on the AP coast

Astronaut Safety

A two-hour group was opened for the test, according to information on the website of the ISRO Space Application Center, Ahmedabad. SAC provided devices for satellite communication and navigation of this flight. ISRO President, K.Sivan, oversees the preparation of the SDSC for two days

The priority of all space agencies in a human space mission is the safe return of its astronauts. With the "abort pad" test, ISRO aims to prove its technology that will safely parachute future astronauts in the event that their spacecraft develop snags at takeoff, said a senior executive of ISRO

ISRO describes PAT as the first step in qualifying its crew escape system in case of emergency. The test is also one of the many key technologies and support that the space agency develops upstream of its ambitious human space flight program (HSP).

According to information from several sources, a test module of about 3,770 kg, aided by four solid fuel rockets built around it, will be transported up to a distance of 2 , 4 km. When fired, the module will be dropped and demonstrate a safe descent using parachutes – all in about three minutes.

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