Ivanka Trump closes the fashion line to focus on helping her father


  Ivanka Trump closes her fashion line to help her father

(Reuters) – The daughter of US President Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, said Tuesday that she was closing her fashion line to focus on her role of informal adviser to the White House. Since Trump's surprise election in November 2016, his family has been criticized for the fact that his portfolio of real estate and consumer goods, which rely heavily on Trump's name as a brand of luxury, is in conflict with their

The president's critics called the closing of the mark a victory for a boycott of Trump-related companies that started late in the 2016 campaign.

"After 17 months in Washington I do not know when or if I will go back to business, but I know that my goal for the foreseeable future will be the work I'm doing here in Washington, "said Ivanka Trump, 36, in a statement released Tuesday

. Criticizing potential conflicts of interests, Ivanka Trump abandoned the daily management of her clothing company in 2017 and placed her badets in a trust managed by her family members.

His company stated that license agreements would not be renewed. will be allowed to take their course. Mid-priced women's clothing, shoes and accessories were sold under the label. The 18 people working for the 11-year-old company will be laid off as they close.

Since the election of Trump, retailers including Nordstrom Inc. Hudson's Bay Co and Sears Holdings Corp have decreased or significantly reduced their badortment of Trump brand products, although they generally attributed these decisions to poor sales rather than political messages.

The trademark of Ivanka Trump stated in a statement that Bloomingdale, owned by Macy's Inc Dillard's Inc and Amazon .com Inc continued to carry his wares.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Online Sales of the Ivanka Trump brand have fallen by almost 55% over the 12-month period compared to the same period of time. Previous year, citing Rakuten Intelligence, which gathers e-mails from 5.5 million US consumers

nearly ident drew the family's brands into political fights, with some supporters organizing events in the buildings of luxury of the White House while the opponents organize boycotts.

The president has been a strong advocate of domestic manufacturing. Ivanka Trump line was made abroad, as were the vast majority of clothing and shoes sold in the United States. According to the media, a large part of its product range comes from China, which is the target of tariffs imposed by the president in a trade dispute.

The most organized boycott of Trump-related companies, "Grab Your Wallet" "This is the biggest possible victory for Grab Your Wallet," said group co-founder, Shannon Coulter, a manager San Francisco Marketing, in a telephone interview

. Report by Scott Malone in Boston, Barbara Goldberg and Diana Kruzman in New York and Nivedita Balu in Bengaluru, edited by Richard Chang and Cynthia Osterman)

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