J & K: One militant killed, two managed to escape the dating site in Pulwama, says police


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |

Updated: June 30, 2018 1:12:20 pm

  meeting of jammu kashmir pulwama, jammu kashmir fighter killed, pulwama meeting, indian army, militant mileage kiled, jammu kashmir police security forces in Thumna village of Chatpora region in Pulwama district south of Kashmir Friday. (Photo Express by Shuaib Masoodi)

A day after Jammu and Kashmir police Shesh Paul Vaid confirmed that at least three militants had been killed during a meeting in Pulwama, the police Saturday said that only one Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) activist was killed while two others managed to escape from the meeting place after indiscriminately opening fire on security personnel . The meeting with the security forces took place in the village of Thamna in the region of Chatpora, Pulwama district, south of Kashmir.

In a statement, police said, "In the meeting, the terrorist killed was identified as Sajad Ahmad Shah. son of Ali Mohammad Shah, a resident of Gund, Chogul Handwara district. He was affiliated with the banned terrorist company LeT. He has been involved in a number of attacks against security institutions and civil atrocities. "

Police said that the rifle and ammunition were also seized on the site of the encounter and they recorded a case.

J & K Police General Director, SP Vaid, had tweeted yesterday that the three militants had been eliminated by the security forces

The three terrorists have been eliminated Good work boys .. https://t.co/LLQM2PRBBB_19659010]- Shesh Paul Vaid (@spvaid) 29 June 2018

After being informed of the presence of activists in the village of Thamna, a joint patrol of the security forces launched searches in the afternoon. and that security forces were moving towards an alleged home, terrorists who were hiding inside opened fire, police said in a statement issued today

. been evacuated safely by the security forces "The initial information suggested the presence of three militants inside the house but during the last search, only a terrorist body was found. Apparently, the other activists managed to escape from the square after indiscriminately opening fire, "the statement said.

In another tweet on Saturday, the DGP Vaid urged the families of the militants of the He called for all possible help, including rehabilitation for those who leave the ranks of the militants, in his message.

Even today I urge families to appeal to their boys who have taken the wrong path to quit the violence.It is very regrettable and painful to see loss of life. @JmuKmrPolice promises to provide any possible badistance including rehabilitation.

– Shesh Paul Vaid (@spvaid) June 30, 2018

In another incident Friday, an activist was killed in a meeting near the region of Tregam of Kupwara district in the first place A spokesman for the army in Srinagar said the meeting had taken place around 5.30am. Cases have been recorded and investigations are ongoing in both incidents.

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