The third edition of the Conclave Leadership School of Management started in the city with a number of speakers from different fields leading sessions. The most interesting of these should definitely be that of Sadhguru and the Bollywood actor, Ranveer Singh, which took place Saturday morning in a star hotel. Both immediately attracted attention as soon as they walked on the stage in their unique style. Sadhguru, in a calm and dignified manner and Ranveer Singh with his flourishing flamboyance. It was really interesting to see two people living together compliment each other on stage.
They discussed more serious things like life, the purpose of life, success and also lighter topics like music, sports, technology, travel, etc. It was very obvious from the beginning that it would be Sadhguru who would share his insightful knowledge and Ranveer would bring comic relief. But as the session progressed, the roles were reversed. Sadhguru brought out his more humorous side, while Ranveer showed that there was more for him than what we are exposed to. Since they've made a grand entrance with music playing the background, music was the first thing they discussed. Sadhguru said, "My notion of dance is due to the rhythm I found with life." Whereas Ranveer was of the opinion that music was a form of active meditation.
Turning to the philosophical mode, Sadhguru added: "Life is made of the bava (sensation) through which we experience the life, raaga (air) of which we have no part because l & rsquo; Existence has already established tuning for us and finally the taala (rhythm) which is the ability to live this life is only in the search for the taala. "Speaking more of our success in life, Sadhguru added:" There It is very important that I do everything I can do If you do something different, I can just watch you for the joy of seeing someone else's success.When you are only concerned about the way to be better than the other, then you will not have the success of the other person and you will not have the pleasure. "
A fervent follower from football and fan of Colombian footballer James Rodgriuez, Sadhguru was in Russia recently to watch the World Cup. He said: "I would have liked to see James Rodriguez play, but unfortunately, Colombia was rejected before I had the opportunity." I was very impressed by how which the Russian government organized the event.There was a volunteer on every street corner to help. "
Throughout the conversation, Ranveer put a point of honor to sending kisses flying to Sadhguru who commented that he should send it to the audience. After a point, even Sadhguru gave up. The session is over when a request to see them both dance has become reality. In true filmi style, Ranveer went into action, while Sadhguru joined in the end.
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