Mira Rajput recently attended a friend's wedding and filled her Instagram accounts with memories of her yaar ki shaadi . On Friday morning, in a separate Instagram post, she shared the details of her "summer wedding" look and wrote: "Never too old for a tutu skirt." In the photo, Mira is a sight to be seen in a pink tulle lehenga styled with a complex stylist choli and correspondent dupatta of Priyanka Gupta Studios, which is known to experiment with pastel tones. Mira Rajput accessorized with a choker and a subtle makeup to balance his magnificent outfit. The Mira shaadi look was created by the famous stylist Delna Nallaseth, who also shared the details of Mira's accessories – she chose a nice necklace from Sunita Shekhawat's collections. :
Meanwhile, those who became fan of Mira Rajput Neelima Azeem, Shahid Kapoor's mother, "looks so pretty and charming, pretty girl," wrote the beautiful Mira's mother while Janhvi Kapoor dropped an indescribable heart on the picture. Janhvi Kapoor co-starred with Shahid's brother, Ishaan Khatter's first film Dhadak and his family Ishaan are often seen. The wife of director Abhishek Kapoor, Pragya Yadav, who is part of the circle of close friends of Mira, also dropped a comment: "Beauty, you! Looking for a bomb!"
The pink look of [MiraRajput lehenga made us a little nostalgic because two years ago, the star wife was introduced to the world in a similar outfit on her wedding day. Here is a photo of his wedding:
On July 7, 2015, Mira Rajput and Shahid Kapoor celebrated a marriage reserved only for friends and family in New Delhi. The couple is made up of the parents of the son Zain and his daughter Misha.
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