Jason Momoa talks about the aneurysms of Emilia Clarke's co-star, Game of Thrones


Jason Momoa speaks about the state of Emilia Clarke's former wife .

The 39-year-old actor Game of Thrones was present at the premiere of Season 8 of the show, on Wednesday, April 3 in New York.

"I have been part of this situation for a very long time, and we have had so many fears trying to find the right way to go out and help. I just find beautiful that … she's so brave in helping the world and trying to educate the public, "said Jason to ET .

"I am very sad because we almost lost her the first time. So, I love her in pieces and she's here and she's going to do great things with that and teach the world, "he continued.

If You Did not Know It, Emilia Was Revealed Recently New Yorker states that she was secretly fighting for health during filming and that She almost died of cerebral aneurysms.

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