Jeremy Hunt replaces Boris Johnson as new Secretary of Foreign Affairs Theresa May


The beleaguered British Prime Minister, Theresa May, appointed British health secretary Jeremy Hunt as new foreign minister, replacing Boris Johnson who resigned in protest of the government's plans for a "half -Brexit ". The appointment will change May's cabinet balance since Hunt had supported "Remain" during the 2016 referendum campaign, while Johnson was one of Brexit's most prominent campaigners.

Johnson, who resigned Monday from his post shortly after the resignation of Brexit Minister David Davis, accused of Maying to pursue a "half-Brexit" with proposals for post-Brexit trade that would leave Britain as a "Colony" of the European Union (EU).

The growing turmoil around his leadership with the appointment Hunt who served as Minister of Health for more than five and a half years. As health secretary, Hunt resisted doctors' strikes, public dissatisfaction with funding levels of the National Health Service (NHS) and other challenges.

Hunt, 51, said that he would be standing "four squares" behind the prime minister "so we could make an agreement with the European Union based on what was agreed by the Cabinet last week at Checkers. "

He added: "It's a moment when the world looks at us as a country, wondering what kind of country we are going to be in a post-Brexit world."

"What I want them to to say, it is that Britain will be a reliable ally, a country that defends the values ​​that matter to the people of this country and who will be a strong and confident voice in the world.

Hunt said that it was a "big key" for him to leave the department, adding, "I know some employees did not find me the easiest health sec"

, media and sport secretary, Matt Hanbad, as May struggled to keep dissenting voices under control in her top team.

In her response to Johnson, May writes that she was "sorry and a little surprised" by her gesture after her apparent support Friday, when ministers held talks at her retirement from Drake's country and emerged with a "collective" position on the Brexit.

She said that the agreement agreed by the Cabinet after their "productive talks" "would honor the outcome of the referendum" and allow the UK to "take back control of our borders, our law and our money".

During a day filled with high-ranking ministerial departures, she also clashed with the powerful committee of 1922 backbenchers. They were close to obtaining the required 48 signatures. to trigger a vote of no confidence that could have removed him as prime minister.

But until now, she has stood firm in her resolve to keep her leadership and insists that she is confident to see through her proposals for a

In addition to their former colleagues, the Brexit's deputy minister, Steve Baker, and two ministerial badistants also resigned from the government yesterday

Jeremy Wright replaces Hanbad as the new secretary of culture, with deputy Geoffrey Cox replacing him as the new attorney general.

(with PTI entries)

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