Actor John Abraham abandoned the long-awaited trailer of Batla House his next film about the controversial meeting of Batla House in 2008. John Abraham, who plays the role of decorated policeman Sanjeev Kumar Yadav in Batla House tweeted: "Was the nation harmed or was it really a false meeting? Questions will finally be answered?" The trailer begins with an intriguing overview of the encounter with one of John's teammates who was shot down during the shootout. Then we move quickly to the controversy that followed. The Batla House Encounter, also known as "Operation Batla House", was held in the locality of Jamia Milia in Delhi in September 2008, during which two suspected terrorists were killed and two other suspects arrested.
Has the nation really been harmed by a false encounter? The questions will finally be answered. #BatlaHouseTrailer now.https: //t.co/uT61yAzzqo @ mrunal0801 @ravikishann @nikkhiladvani @ written @johnabrahament @bakemycakefilms [19659009] – John Abraham (@TheJohnAbraham) 10 July 2019
The trailer shows a determined John Abraham holding his guard as an investigating committee investigating him for several interrogations the meeting. "They were students," he said at one point, adding, "I did not say that they were innocent, I said that they were students. "
The trailer also offers insight into how John Abraham does not deviate from his version. truth because he faces threats such as the loss of his job or even his family. However, one scene shows the President's medal awarded to John Abraham for his contribution to the meeting with Batla House. One of the scenes that make the trailer sound is where John Abraham, determined to do his duty to the country, crushes a mobile with his bare hand.
Watch the trailer Batla House here: [19659013]
Directed by Nikkhil Advani, Batla House published on August 15 of this year , when he will have a box-office collision with Mangal's mission from Akshay Kumar. John Abraham co-stars with Mrunal Thakur in the movie. The sacred games of Netflix are also available that day
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