John Oliver of HBO Encourages Workers' Compensation Song at WrestleMania 35 in WWE Hit Piece

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John Oliver criticized the WWE in his last show of" Last Week Tonight. "

CreditCreditEric Liebowitz / HBO, via Associated Press

HBO John Oliver's focused on the WWE in the last episode of his popular talk show Last week, tonight .

The live audience, apparently composed in majority of non-WWE fans, "oohed" on images of Randy Savage being stung by a snake.They "ahhed" at the sight of Braun Strowman and the Big Show exploding the ring with a superplex. were laughing at the legend of Kurt Angle, Milk-O-Mania's Segment and & nbsp; were completely amused by Incarnating Edge Mick Foley across a flaming table.

Of course, the tone of his sincere love for Oliver towards the WWE deteriorated rapidly as his host questioned several discussion points nsacrés about . practices .

The WWE is no stranger to the critics of the award-winning host at the Emmy while Oliver joined the badault from against the reverse against the promotion last October and November for the continuation of its negotiations with Saudi Arabia.

This time, Oliver presented WWE and President Vince McMahon with his main story by publishing the familiar pitfalls of the economic model of promotion, including the misclbadification of WWE superstars as independent contractors . a dead season, the lack of health insurance and the alarming trend of young young dying wrestlers.

At a particularly frightening time, Oliver quotes an actuarial study that reveals the average death rate among WWE superstars between the early and mid-fifties. – an alarming 20% ​​- against NFL players and the general population, both of which landed without a problem.

Oliver's tragic stories of ancient WWE icons going through a difficult time, & nbsp; s Some of them were forced out of retirement without a WWE pension plan. They are unfortunately known to WWE fans and media. But given Oliver's influence on his dedicated cult, his show could lead to a nightmarish press and unconditional fan response, for the WWE with less than a week before WrestleMania 35. & nbsp; With & [nbsp;) Viceland & nbsp; to air On the dark side of the ring, & nbsp; a weekly series of professional wrestling scandals and tragedies starting on April 10th, the bad press of WWE could continue well beyond the WrestleMania season, alongside Oliver, his own actor [19659006] Nicknamed " The Oliver Effect " The influence of John Oliver led to changes in US law, regulation and culture, including the removal of network neutrality. led to the The FCC adopts a regulation on the neutrality of the internet to express its freedom of expression after being bombarded by 45,000 emails.

Oliver is now using his influence to change the mood at WrestleMania 35. In a promise of foolish closing, Oliver gave us an obsolete commercial parody and encouraged fans of the 82,500-seat MetLife Stadium. to recite "retirees, work contracts, and family and medical leave."

Roddy Piper was one of many WWE alumni. died before the age of 65.


Oliver's anti-WWE rhetoric will not fail to make its entrance into the raging community of Internet Wrestling, which is no stranger to mobilization on behalf of WWE. – if was willing to involve Daniel Bryan in the main event of WrestleMania 30 or allowing the WWE to go back and change the name of the Fabulous Moolah Memorial Battle Royal.

be interesting to see if the Oliver effect unleashed by the recognized wrestler fan results in a large open-air stadium, especially as part of a frozen WrestleMania which should be the WWE's longest show on his Tory .


John Oliver criticized the WWE during his last broadcast of" Last Week Tonight. "

CreditCreditEric Liebowitz / HBO, via Associated Press

John Oliver of HBO, set to Widow on WWE in the last episode of his popular talk show Last Week Tonight

The audience, apparently composed mostly of non-WWE fans, was "surprised" by Randy Savage's footage of to be stung by a snake They "ahhed" at the sight of Braun Strowman and the Big Show exploding the ring with a superplex They laughed at the legendary segment of Kurt Angle, Milk-O -Mania, and were completely amused by Edge inciting Mick Foley across a flaming table.

Of course, the sincere tone of the Oliver WWE attachment deteriorated rapidly while Host re-dressed several times, discussion points on questionable business practices WWE.

The WWE is no stranger to the critics of the award-winning Emmy host, Oliver joining the badault on the violent reaction against the October promotion and last November for its ongoing relations with Saudi Arabia.

This time, Oliver presented WWE and its president, Vince McMahon, with his main story of the familiar pitfalls of the commercial model of the promotion, including the misclbadification of WWE Superstars as sub-brands. independent contractors, lack of off-season, trend of young, young dying wrestlers

In a particularly frightening moment, Oliver cites an actuarial study that reveals the average death rate of WE Superstars from the early to mid-1950s – a an alarming rate of 20% – compared to the NFL players and the general population, both of whom landed without a problem.

The tragic stories of Oliver, WWE's ancient icons living in a difficult time. Some of whom have been forced out of retirement without a WWE pension plan, are unfortunately well known to WWE fans and media outlets. But given Oliver's influence on his dedicated cult, his show could lead to a nightmarish press and live fan reactions, for WWE in less than a week before WrestleMania 35. With Viceland on the air [19659026AweeklyseriesofprofessionalwrestlingscandalsandtragediesbeginningApril10thebadpressoftheWWEcouldendurewellbeyondtheWrestleManiaseasonalongwithOliver'sinfluentialcoverage

Nicknamed "The Oliver Effect," John Oliver's influence has resulted in changes in US law, regulation, and culture, including his internet neutrality that has led the FCC to adopt internet neutrality rules to express freedom of expression after being bombarded by 45,000 emails.

Oliver now uses his influence to influence the mood at WrestleMania 35. In a late-breaking promo, Oliver used an outdated parody of professional wrestling and encouraged fans in the MetLife S, with 82,500 seats . tadium to sing for "retirement accounts, work allowances and family and medical leave."

Roddy Piper was one of many former WWE stars featured before his death before the age of 65.


Oliver's anti-WWE rhetoric is sure to plague the enraged Internet Wrestling community, which is no stranger to the mobilization on behalf of ################################################################################### A change in WWE's opinion – whether or not she wishes Daniel Bryan to participate in the main event of WrestleMania 30 or make it back successfully change the name of the Fabulous Moolah Memorial Battle Royal.

It will be interesting to see if the Oliver effect triggered by the recognized wrestling fan results in a large open-air stadium, especially as part of a frozen WrestleMania that is expected to be the longest show in the world. History of the WWE.

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