John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum Review



More bark, more bite.

By Jim Vejvoda

John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum brings back the main character to his roots while offering new twists where everything could go from here, all with the game of action brutal and brutally executed. pieces that fans expect from the franchise. They will not leave disappointed.

Moments after the end of John Wick: Chapter 2, Parabellum takes place in a few bloody and hopeless days as John faces the proverbial music that breaks the rules of the High Table. in the previous movie. His breathless journey to stay alive – and, hopefully, find a way to settle things with the high table – will lead him through dark alleyways, arcane buildings, exotic interludes overseas. and finally to … well, you'll see.

We learn much more about John's backstory, which reveals some interesting facets of his character, while seeing him face a prolonged helluva. John Wick is a human piñata at this point, and Chapter 3 does well by seeing him beaten, beaten, stabbed, kicked, shot and shuffled. John Wick is perhaps the hardest guy of all time, not only because he can kill like no one else, but also because he can fight and continue to stand up until he wins. He looks like the Rocky Balboa of the vengeful hitmen.

Keanu Reeves again recognizes the screen as the most likeable of the bad guys, offering another emotionally controlled performance, even while showing it clearly physically. And is it – and this movie – never delivered in the department of action! Chapter 3 offers a constant badault on action badistants, each as brilliant as the one who preceded it. There is nothing that John – or his opponents, from elsewhere – can use to kill anyone here: bare hands, guns, swords, books, belts, knives, animals, gravity. There are a million ways to die in this film, all performed in the most visceral way, "did they really do it?", A fashion to which fans expect it. Each action game relies on the ridiculous brutality of the previous, but there is a particular sequence in Casablanca where some players can be particularly seduced by its elaborate staging and immersion.

In addition to the insane action, a What fans of the John Wick franchise also appreciate is its very cool and detailed tradition, and Chapter 3 does not disappoint either. The mysterious rules, methodical procedures and old-school technologies – as well as bbad commercial terms such as "Adjudicator", are meant to sound dark and cold – push the franchise even further into the mythological hyper-reality. . Anachronisms do not really exist in the world of John Wick, where armaments are often at the forefront of technology, but where pneumatic tube bureaucracy, old coins and physical media still have a vital function .

That said, John Wick: Chapter 3 gets lost sometimes in the weeds because he is so intrigued by his own construction of the world and the myth that he finally questions his own argument when decisions majors are canceled or entire sections become useless. Some scenes later.

Beyond the main character, John Wick: Chapter 3 also brings back the fans' favors like the amoral director of the Continental Hotel Winston (the still crazy Ian McShane), the proud but pragmatic Bowery King (Laurence Fishburme, a landscaper ). and the faithful and resolute Continental Charon concierge (Lance Reddick, who is more daring than ever here), while presenting several new characters who each have an impact in their own way.

The most remarkable of these new characters. Berry, John's old frenemy Berry, performs a trick that will appeal to the crowd, characterized by brutal efficiency in his action scenes and a weary reluctance from the world in his serious exchanges with Reeves. That said, this film is certainly not a friend, because Berry is not there as much as one might hope.

Meanwhile, Anjelica Huston happily embraces the fundamentally operatic, even camper-like nature of the Russian operator who knows John Wick up to now. better than most (that does not mean that she loves him more than staying alive). Jerome Flynn (aka Game of Thrones & # 39; Bronn) plays a small but essential role, just like Said Taghmaou of Wonder Woman, enigmatic source. John is looking for help, but the biggest stage thief is Marc Dacascos in the role of Zero, the main killer of Chapter 3. John Wick has become such a legend that he has fans including Zero, which gives the scenes of Dacascos refreshing moments of lightness in the midst of all this carnage. Departments like John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum aims to shed new light on the man that John Wick was created while the movie posed new dilemmas to explore for the franchise.

The Verdict

A film bursting with creativity. John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum pushes his main character to its breaking point and offers him new information about his story The action is bloody and overflowing and the emotional thread remains strong as we follow John Wick in his trip to save his skin or die trying.

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