Judge overturns jury finding in lawsuit


CHICAGO – The judge presiding over a lawsuit for wrongful death following the murder of a teenager by a Chicago police officer in 2015 overturned a jury decision in favor of the teenage family.

The Cook County Jury awarded $ 1.05 million to Quintonio LeGrier's family. However, Judge Rena Marie Van Tine overturned the decision after hearing that the jury had also discovered that Constable Robert Rialmo feared for his life by answering a call for a disturbance.

The LeGrier estate had claimed between $ 12.55 million and $ 25.05 million. Van Tine's decision means that the family will not receive any money.

The jury acted after lawyers at LeGrier's 19-year-old estate urged them to consider evidence and testimony that most of the five gunshot wounds sustained by the victim were in the back. They said that Rialmo was too far from LeGrier when he opened fire to claim that he was fearing an imminent threat.

Rialmo fatally killed LeGrier and his neighbor, Bettie Jones, 55, while they were answering a disturbance call.

"Quintonio was not a threat to him, period," said the plaintiff's lawyer Basileios Foutris.

In rendering their decision, the jurors signed a special interrogation request that Rialmo had fired in a reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm. Van Tine concluded that the questioning overrode the LeGrier estate decision and found favor with Rialmo.

Rialmo, who is white, and his partner were answering at least one call to 911 about an internal disturbance involving LeGrier and his father. Rialmo testified that LeGrier was holding a bat over his head and swayed him after he had run down the steps of the apartment while the agents were answering the call.

Defending the city, lawyer Brian Gainer said that LeGrier posed an immediate deadly threat, as it lies 5 feet or more than 20 feet away.

"It happened like this," Gainer said, snapping his fingers. "There is no" break "button."

The shooting took place about a month after the release of a video showing white policeman Jason Van Dyke firing 16 times at Laquan McDonald, 16, in 2014. Van Dyke pleaded not guilty to a crime. Murder charge in McDonald's.

A Chicago police disciplinary body ruled that LeGrier's shooting was unjustified and recommended the dismissal of Rialmo.

The jury also ruled Wednesday in favor of Rialmo in his lawsuit against the LeGrier estate for inflicting emotional distress. However, the jury did not award him any money.

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