Justice Rajendra Menon may soon be recommended by SC Collegium, but chances are slim for Delhi judges


New Delhi: It is likely that the college of the Supreme Court recommends the elevation of Chief Justice Rajendra Menon of the High Court of Delhi. Sources have indicated that Justice Menon 's recommendation as a judge in the highest court could arrive within a month.

"His name has never been forgotten by the Collegium, although Judge Sanjiv Khanna, who was much younger in terms of seniority, is high" There are enough signs that the Collegium recommend the name of Judge Menon at its next meeting, "sources told News18.

They also pointed out that the Collegium, which includes the Chief Justice of India and the four highest judges, is aware of the controversy that continues after the last set of recommendations.
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"Although he is the highest judge of a supreme court, Judge Menon still needs to be elected and, therefore, the College would like to end this controversy by recommending it," the sources added.
Another name envisaged, according to the same source, will be Judge Surya Kant, who is currently chief justice of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh. However, it is unlikely that the other three senior judges, whose district court is in Delhi, will be immediately elevated.

Judges Pradeep Nandarajog, S Ravindra Bhat and Gita Mittal may not surrender to the Supreme Court near

After the elevation of Judge Sanjiv Khanna, the Supreme Court has four judges of Delhi: Judges AK Sikri, Judges Sanjay K Kaul, Indu Malhotra and Khanna. 19659004] "Even after the retirement of Judge Sikri in March, you will have three of the 31 approved judges from Delhi.In view of the long tradition of regional representation, Delhi already has a sufficient number of judges and the Collegium can give a representation to other high courts, "the sources said.

With the appointment of judges Dinesh Maheshwari and Khanna, the current number of judges in the Supreme Court is 28 out of a total of 31.

rsy had erupted after the Collegium would have abandoned the names of judges Pradeep Nandarajog and Rajendra Menon, which was agreed at a Collegium meeting in December.

In January, recommendations were made for Judges Maheshwari and Khanna. Judge Khann was ranked 33rd in all seniority lists of high court judges in India, and questions were raised about his avoidance of senior judges and chief justices of high courts.

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