The media wants the actress Kangana Ranaut to apologize after she gets involved with one of them during a movie in Mumbai; she will not do it, tweeted the sister of the actress, Rangoli Chandel, who is currently exchanging bitter tweets with reporters from several media outlets. This week, an event intended to launch a new song of the upcoming Kangana film Judgmentall Hai Kya? was hijacked by a heated debate between the actress and journalist Justin Rao, whom Kangana accused of leading a "smear campaign" against him and dissing his previous film Manikarnika . He denied making bad press Manikarnika and stated that Kangana Ranaut "can not intimidate a journalist".
The Times of India reports that senior entertainment media executives will meet Judgmentall Hai Kya? ] the producer Ekta Kapoor today and apologizes to Kangana Ranaut; In the absence of one, they plan to boycott the movie's promotions, which will be released later this month.
The excuses are not going to happen, according to Rangoli Chandel, also the manager of her sister. Instead, she promised in an insulting tweet that Kangana would be releasing the media. " Ek baat ka ka vai karti hoon, excuse me excuses, to bikau, nange, deshdrohi, desh ke dalal, libtard mediawalon ko Magar who falls on the dho dho kar sidha zaroor kareg. Insan se maafi mangi hai "Rangoli tweeted – I promise that Kangana will not apologize, you asked the wrong person to apologize.
A video of the dispute between Kangana Ranaut and the journalist became viral this week. Look here:
#WATCH Kangana Ranaut had a fight with a journalist, accused of defamation campaign, at the launch of the song 'Judgmentall Hai Kya'. in Mumbai. (07.07.2019) pic.twitter.com/sNuWduY3yg
– ANI (@ANI) July 8, 2019
Judgmentall Hai Kya? already has enough controversy in his name – at first, a potentially acrimonious box-office clash with Hrithik Roshan's film Super 30 was avoided when he voluntarily reprogrammed his film ; then, the original title of the film Mental Hai Kya? was modified as a result of an adverse reaction. The film co-starred Rajkummar Rao and is released on July 26.
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