After the resounding success of "Sarkar", actor Vijay is working on his next film, tentatively titled "Thalapathy 63". Produced by AGS Entertainment, the film features superstar Nayantara and the lead roles of Yogi Babu and Kathir. The latest buzz is that of the young television star, Kapish Poovaiyaar, who participates in a popular and sung reality show, which played a role in the film.
Recently, the team was shooting at Binny Mills, at Meenambakkam, and a gigantic game, a replica of the Napier Bridge, was erected. It is said that Vijay is a sports drama and that he is supposed to play the role of an athlete, probably a football player or coach in the film. Atlee, who has already worked with Vijay in two successful hits such as "Theri" and "Mersal", will also lead the company. AR Rahman, composing for the third time in a row the music of Vijay's film.
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